Jim McCarthy’s ‘Prometheus Strategic Planning System’ Launches at 12 pm EST
Jim McCarthy is launching ‘Prometheus Strategic Planning System’ today at 12 pm EST. The system includes “Prometheus “˜Quick Start’ Guide”, “The Prometheus Profit System Training Manual”, “The Prometheus Concepts Summary” and more. [Prometheus Strategic Planning System]
Press Release
Prometheus Strategy ““ launches today at 12pm EST!!
Jim McCarthy announces the launch of the Prometheus Strategic Planning System. The product features the amazing Prometheus System and includes:
1. Prometheus “˜Quick Start’ Guide ““ A “quick reference” manual you can use to accelerate your learning and apply the Prometheus Profit steps with lightening speed!
2. The Prometheus Profit System Training Manual ““ Inside this highly-coveted manual that others have had to pay $7,000 to get access to, you’ll find the Prometheus Academy’s exclusive 4-step system that will walk you through how to create a Blueprint for Success that will skyrocket you from where you are now to MAXIMUM profits!
3. The Prometheus Concepts Summary ““ In this “mini” companion guide to the main Prometheus Profit System Training Manual, you’ll find an overview of the main concepts of each of the 4 steps. Refer to it anytime you fell you need more information on a particular step or strategy!
4. CEO and Business Owner Guide To Executing The Prometheus System ““ Inside this step-by-step report, I’ll walk you through the secrets to transforming your existing business using the Prometheus Profit System!
5. MP3 Download of the Prometheus Profit System Training Manual ““ Sometimes we learn better when we get information in multiple formats… so I’ve also included this MP3 audio download for you! Listen to it at your leisure on your iPod, on your computer, or in your car… or share it with your employees!
There are also 12 brand new interviews with well-known Internet Marketers such as Marketing Legend Jeff Paul, Product Launch Expert Jeff Walker, Traffic Authority Marc Harty, Testing Specialist David Bullock, and Conversion Professional Lisa Diane, as well as with Prometheus experts John Warden and Mike Cline.
Prometheus Strategic Planning System Sales letter title:
For the First Time EVER, the Illustrious, Ultra-Exclusive “Prometheus School for Rich Entrepreneurs” Has Opened Its Doors to the General Public, Revealing the Business-Building Secrets Others Have Had to Pay $7,000 to Learn…
The Prometheus System allows you to create an unstoppable strategy. It takes simple steps and allows you to apply it to your unique business and your unique lifestyle. The Prometheus Strategic Planning System is not just a step-by-step guide; it’s a roadmap to your success.
According to Jim, this course is based on a $7000 per person expert training that was partially developed by the US Government, has helped to build billion dollar companies, and is currently in use by Fortune 50 companies, won prestigious awards and even a war. Now it’s being released to internet marketers.
Prometheus Strategic Planning System
*This news post was submitted by Jim McCarthy.
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