‘An Easy Way To More Website Traffic & Discover What Your Customers Want From You’ by Jennifer Haubein
Jennifer Haubein’s latest article is titled “An Easy Way To More Website Traffic & Discover What Your Customers Want From You”. [Article]
Jennifer Haubein’s latest article:
An Easy Way To More Website Traffic & Discover What Your Customers Want From You
We are all looking for the easy button when it comes to website traffic and don’t want to waste our time on traffic building efforts that aren’t paying off. That’s why I wanted to share with you my secret to great website traffic…. forums.
I have gotten some great traffic to my website from posting to forums of my target market. And the best thing is this usually only takes maybe 15 minutes a week. But there are some rules when using forums as a traffic building strategy.
1. Setup a compelling signature file- Within the forum system make sure to setup a compelling signature which includes your name, business name, contact information, your free offer, and of course a link to your website.
2. Be the expert- Respond to other posts with helpful information and make sure you are always trying to be the expert when writing a post. Always keep in mind that you are interacting with your target market on this forum and it’s best to offer the advice not always be the one asking for advice.
3. Find forums of your target market- Be sure you have a clear definition of your target market. Once defined doing a simple Google search for your target market with the word forum on the end will provide some great results. For example, if your target market is “small business owners” then search for “small business forums” in Google to get started.
4. Free or Paid Forums- Depending on your target market there might be several membership websites with forums you can access if you pay a monthly fee. In some cases this might be worth it especially if you become an active member of this community. Look out for free forums that are just advertising and promotion, that’s not what you want to participate in.
5. Learn about your target market- You can get some great insight into what your target market wants from you just by reading a few posts on the forum. Are there any common themes that keep coming up? Do you see questions being repeated on the message board? Also, every once in a while you could start a topic asking for specific feedback about a new product or service you are offering. But be careful not to do this too often, because your main goal on the forum is to offer information and not sell.
6. Track your website traffic- Make sure you look at where you website traffic is coming from and specifically which forums and which posts are the most popular. I suggest using either Google Analytics or StatCounter for website tracking. Both of these services allow you to see the exact website the visitor is coming from which is necessary for good website visitor tracking.
My recommend action step for more website traffic is to find one forum to start participating in and write a post each week.
Jennifer Haubein publishes “SiteNotes” a FREE bi-weekly ezine for small business owners who want a website that actually works. If you’re ready to get insider tips website developers don’t want you to know, and start making more money online, get your FREE tips now at http://www.BestBizWebsiteSolutions.com/newsletter.html.
*This news post was submitted by Jennifer Haubein.
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