‘Sick of Ideas that Don’t Work? Invest Only 20 Minutes a Week for Success’ – ‘Random Tips and Productive Resources’ Newsletter
Chris King has released the latest issue of ‘Random Tips and Productive Resources’ Newsletter Volume VI Issue 67. The featured article is an excerpt from “SICK of Ideas that Don’t Work? Invest Only 20 Minutes a Week for SUCCESS.” [Random Tips and Productive Resources Newsletter]
Chris King’s ‘Random Tips and Productive Resources’ newsletter is reprinted here.
Chris King, Editor, mailto:chris@creativekeys.net
By subscription* only! This BONUS to PORTFOLIO POTPOURRI will arrive in your e-mail box on the off-Wednesdays. It will be short and sweet, will answer your burning questions, and share fun and useful tips and resources.
*Or complimentary if you have taken an assessment, test or sent in a question and/or questions from http://www.creativekeys.net/askquestions.htm
Many speakers, writers and marketers have asked me about how one creates a superb signature story. I now have a solution for you.
I am setting up a new service where I will work with you over the telephone on your story. We will meet twice for forty five minutes each time. I will send you a form to guide you in creating your story before the first meeting to give us a start.
By the end of the second “story session” you will be set with your own unique signature story. The total cost for the helpful questionnaire, the storytelling Special Report and the two telephone sessions is only $97.
If interested, e-mail me at chris@creativekeys.net with Storytelling Tutoring in the subject line.
(1) Excerpt from “SICK of Ideas that Don’t Work? Invest Only 20 Minutes a Week for SUCCESS”
(2) Two Useful Links: Building a Business on a Budget and Network Marketing Training
(3) For Fitness Sake – A Question I Have Received and Answered
(4) Ask Your Questions and/or Share Your Feedback and Resources
(5) Subscribe/Unsubscribe Information
(1) Excerpt from “SICK of Ideas that Don’t Work? Invest Only 20 Minutes a Week for SUCCESS”
This section’s theme is GREAT EXPECTATIONS. When we are disappointed by an outcome, customer service or ourselves, it isn’t always because the results were unacceptable. Often, it is because our EXPECTATIONS were so high.
Creativity – What Do You EXPECT?
I strongly believe that we get what we EXPECT. EXPECT little – get and achieve little. EXPECT a lot – get and achieve a lot. If we are working on a problem or a goal and EXPECT to hit upon the perfect, creative idea and solution, it will pop into our head – seemingly out of nowhere.
If we address our subconscious and ask it to work for us – I usually do this just before falling asleep – it will always come through, as long as we have GREAT EXPECTATIONS.
How often do you create the results that you want by EXPECTING them? Test yourself.
I always use Brian Tracy’s Law of EXPECTATION when I am driving to a busy shopping center. I EXPECT and visualize my parking space right up in front. As I drive up, the vehicle that is in my space pulls out. This works consistently. I Challenge you to try it and also to EXPECT what you want and deserve. As long as you EXPECT it with strong belief, it will come to be. Let me know when it happens.
Note: You will find out all about this e-book at: http://www.creativekeys.net/portfoliopotpourribook.htm
(2) Two Useful Links: Building a Business on a Budget and Network Marketing Training
With the recent downturn of the economy, many of us are searching for a way to make some extra income. Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki suggests network marketing. But, where and how do we start? You can imagine how excited I was to find a guru, Mike Dillard, who has the answers. Check out his manual “Building on a Budget” and his straightforward videos. Just visit http://tinyurl.com/6q5822 and/or call me at (216) 991-8428 if you have any questions.
A new friend on Facebook introduced me to My Private Classroom and I want to invite you to become a member. What is it? It is a no-cost training site for home business owners. They regularly offer no-cost and open to the public educational webinars about networking, communication skills, video marketing, social media marketing, leadership skills etc. Inside the site you will find all kinds of training videos and audio training as well so you can work on your
business 24/7
Their philosophy is PAY IT FORWARD and they encourage members to share all their tips and tips for marketing success. Visit http://www.myprivateclassroom.com I am inviting you to join (so use my name if they ask who invited you to join).
(3) For Fitness Sake – A Question I Have Received and Answered
Question: I get cramps in the back of my leg when I go for a walk. A friend said that a lot of soldiers marching have the same problem. Walking is about the only exercise I can do.
Answer: Normal muscle contractions require a strict balance of salt and water within the muscles. Some experts believe cramps are due to excessive fluid loss (dehydration), muscle fatigue, or overheating, while others believe electrolyte (salt) imbalance causes the painful muscle spasms.
I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps when I haven’t replenished my water supply sufficiently. A great number of people do not drink an adequate amount of water. Suggested is at least eight to sixteen full glasses a day and more if you take a diuretic or drink coffee/tea – both act as diuretics. Besides upping your water, make sure you are taking plenty of calcium (I take 1500 mg daily), warming up and stretching out.
You will find more fitness information in my Special Report #4 at http://www.creativekeys.net/specialreports.htm
(4) Ask Your Questions and/or Share Your Feedback and Resources
I want this off-Wednesdays’ BONUS to be helpful and full of enlightening information that is useful to you. So, send me your questions. You can do this through e-mail or at http://www.creativekeys.net/askquestions.htm
A repeated question from many readers:
Question: How can I become an Outrageously Powerful Presenter?
Answer: Here’s what I’ve got: I have written the e-book, “How to Leave Your Audiences Begging for More.”
It will teach you everything you need to know to become an Outrageously Powerful Presenter. Whether or not your aspirations are to become powerful on the platform, or just to communicate powerfully day to day, you will learn how by reading and DANCING through this book.
Go to: http://www.OutrageouslyPowerfulPresenter.com and give yourself the gift of superb communication skills.
And, do check out the free articles on my http://www.powerfulpresentations.net website.
For additional, no hype recommendations, do visit my http://www.ChrisRecommends.com website. You will be glad you did!
Also, if you have some great resources you would recommend, let me know.
Chris King of Creative Keys is a professional website creator / designer, storyteller, writer, free agent, and fitness instructor. You will find her business website at http://www.creativekeys.biz, her information website at http://www.creativekeys.net and her blog at http://www.curiositycubed.blogspot.com
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Chris King for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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