Dan Lok has launched ‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar. According to Dan, the seminar will be happening on January 16 and 17, 2009 at Creator’s Landing, Vancouver, Canada where participants will learn how to write compelling emails that get opened, read and make money, how SEO is done, and how to create new products. [‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar]

Dan Lok has launched ‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar.

‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar Sales Letter

‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar sales letter title:

“Mark You Calendars and Save These Dates:
January 16th, 17th, 2009 – In Vancouver, Canada.”

More About ‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar

The seminar will be happening on January 16 and 17, 2009 at Creator’s Landing, Vancouver, Canada where participants will learn how to write compelling emails that get opened, read and make money, how SEO is done, and how to create new products.

Dan says, “I’ll literally download my entire lifetime of marketing secrets — secrets I’ve paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and ten’s of thousands of hours and effort to accumulate — in to you head so you’ll walk out of the Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive with a crystal clear road-map showing you what to do… when to do it… and most importantly HOW to do it so you can produce the same or better results as I’m getting.”

‘Ultimate Lifestyle Intensive’ Seminar

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