Kendall Summerhawk’s latest article is titled “4 Pricing Myths You Can’t Afford To Believe”. [Article]

Kendall Summerhawk’s latest article:

4 Pricing Myths You Can’t Afford To Believe

Would you like a piece of GOOD news about the economy?

It actually has very little to do with how much you can charge for your products or services.

Now, fear and the media (which are really one and the same thing) would have you think differently but it’s simply not true. What IS true is that once you know and live by certain Universal Pricing Principles you’ll never again succumb to thinking the wrong thoughts (which always leads to taking the wrong actions) about how to set your fees.

To help you out, here are four of the most common myths I hear from business owners every week, and the Universal Pricing Principles you can use immediately to make more doing what you’re already doing. Sound good to you? I thought so!

Small Business Pricing Myth #1

“Who am I to charge more than…(my mentor, my colleagues, what my family tells me, etc.)?”

Technically, this isn’t a myth, it’s just plain ol’ self-doubt showing up…again. What’s at play here is comparison but comparison is only valuable if you’re comparing the right things! Since practically everyone undercharges, if you follow along like a sheep then you too, will undercharge.

The Universal Pricing Principle of Value says that the only worthy comparison to make is that which exists between your confidence, who your market is, and how well you speak about the value of the results they’ll get from working with you or purchasing your products.

Small Business Pricing Myth #2

“I wouldn’t pay that much for this!”

Now hold on just a moment here! You mean to tell me that if someone came to you and could PROVE they could deliver the results that you are promising, you wouldn’t pay what you’re charging?

The Universal Pricing Principle of Belief insists that you take a close, heart-to-heart look at exactly how you transform your clients’ lives. Those results will light a fire of passion and belief in you. This is the moment to look beyond just the immediate relief or benefits your clients experience and see the long term transformation and possibilities your work creates for them.

Small Business Pricing Myth #3

“I don’t know enough/have enough experience to charge more”

Uh-huh. So tell me, just exactly how much experience or knowledge DO you need? As a life-time learner isn’t there always something more to know? Of course there is!

The point is that your clients expect you to keep learning. In fact, you can use that as a marketing advantage like I do, by sharing with your clients how often you’re taking a training, what program you’re in, the workshops or teleseminars you participate in and what books you’re reading.

The Universal Pricing Principle of Seeking gives us high-achieving types permission to keep learning while we get paid for sharing what we’re discovering. Think of this as a natural cycle, or flow, where the information you’re learning is passed on to others in order to benefit and enrich their lives and businesses. Looked at this way, it’s not only okay to keep learning, it’s part of your Soul’s Divine Purpose!

Okay, and now for our last myth…

Small Business Pricing Myth #4

“I don’t think my market can afford to pay more”

Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe it’s not up to you to decide what someone else can or can not afford? It’s an assumption that ends up cheating your potential client out of the opportunity to get the results you know can help them, and cheating you out of the opportunity to serve in the way you are meant to.

The Universal Pricing Principle of Responsibility can help here. It says that each of us is responsible for our own financial decisions and walking our own financial path. If you really take this to heart, you’ll see the gift you are giving someone by not deciding for them what they spend.

Yes, even when your potential client may be using borrowed mo-ney to purchase your service or product but is doing so because they believe you can help them achieve what they want.

Setting Your Fees Is Part Of Your Spiritual Path

When you follow these first four of my Universal Pricing Principles you’ll quickly experience three powerful shifts. The first is in adopting a powerful mind set about what you can charge. The second is in connecting on a soul level with your Soul’s Divine Purpose and how what you charge can transform your purpose from just an idea into a viable business. And the third powerful shift is in simply making more money.

Would you like to learn more simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from ‘dollars-for-hours work’ and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar “7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of In-come “Money and Soul” Business.

*This news post was submitted by Kendall Summerhawk.

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