Richard Butler has launched a new PLR Training site. According to Richard, the site will help people profit from Private Label Rights. [PLR Training]

Richard Butler has launched a new PLR Training site. According to Richard, the site will help people profit from Private Label Rights.

Press Release

PLR Training Site Launches

Dublin, Ireland, September 2008

Richard Butler announces a new site that will help people profit from Private Label Rights, by not only providing products but also providing training.

Butler says “The thing I have found about PLR sites is they provide a lot of products but never tell you what to do with them. Thus people download a lot of books, programs etc and do nothing with them” Butler says his new site is different – “The first 7 days or more are all about training you to get into the right mindset – to set out your goals for your business”

This it seems is the main problem a lot of people have – they don’t have goals and they don’t see themselves in business. They see what they are doing as a hobby, and thus never really focus.

The site itself will also feature interviews with master marketers on topics such as coaching, affiliate marketing, product development and more. “I’m really excited to provide this service to people” says Butler, who plans on a full launch on Novemember 1st The site can be viewed here:

Richard Butler’s PLR Training Site

*This news was submitted by Richard Butler.

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