Mark Joyner Launches ‘Great Teachers Series: Copywriting with Joe Sugarman and Ted Nicholas’ Course
Mark Joyner has launched the ‘Great Teachers Series: Copywriting with Joe Sugarman and Ted Nicholas’ copywriting course. The course contains lessons to be taught over 12 months.According to Mark, the trainees will learn through animated lessons, course books to reinforce the material in the lessons, quizzes, step-by-step checklists and more. [‘Great Teachers Series’ Course]
Mark Joyner has launched the ‘Great Teachers Series: Copywriting with Joe Sugarman and Ted Nicholas’ copywriting course.
The course contains lessons to be taught over 12 months.
The ‘Great Teachers Series’ sales letter title:
“Your Hidden Power – Forget everything you’ve heard about attracting wealth. The real secret lies in an ability you have and may not evenrealize.”
According to Mark, the trainees will learn through animated lessons, course books to reinforce the material in the lessons, quizzes, step-by-step checklists and more.
The following is the ‘Great Teachers Series’ course schedule:
Month 1: Foundation Secrets of Great Copy
– How to easily generate an endless stream of cash-windfall producing ideas – on tap.
– The single most important thing that controls every aspect of your life. Master it, and wealth is yours.
– Do this before you write a word of copy and a sure-fire-profit ad will flow from your fingers with ease.
Month 2: Turning your words into more money
– The single purpose for every single “graphic element” in your copy. They are designed to get the reader to do one thing – and one thing only.
– The simple secret for creating cash-windfalls with “short ads” (Google adwords, classifieds, etc.)
– The single most important thing you must know if you want people to buy right now.
More details are available on the ‘Great Teachers Series’ course sales letter.
Mark Joyner’s ‘Great Teachers Series: Copywriting with Joe Sugarman and Ted Nicholas’ Course
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