‘How To Be A Powerful Stand For Creating More Money In Your Business’ by Kendall Summerhawk
Kendall Summerhawk’s latest article is titled “How To Be A Powerful Stand For Creating More Money In Your Business”. [Article]
Kendall Summerhawk’s latest article:
One problem I often see with small business owners is that they’re not making more money simply because they’re letting it slip through their fingers.
It’s not that they don’t WANT to make more. It’s that they’re simply not aware of how their habits are pushing money away instead of attracting it to them.
Are You “Telling” Money To “Leave You Alone?”
Money LOVES to be paid attention to, but if you ignore it because you’re uncomfortable talking about it, not sure how to handle potentially difficult conversations about it, or aren’t don’t know what to do in certain pricing situations, then trust me, money will still find a way to get your attention. Only it will be in a way that drives what you want away from you instead of creating more abundance for you in your life and business.
Here are four simple, yet powerful tips I’ve personally used to help me create a million dollar business with grace and ease:
Power Money Tip #1 Pay All of Your Bills On Time, Every Time
Even if you’re never late paying a bill (and yes, I mean both personal AND business bills!), how often do you put off paying them until the last minute? Not only does putting off paying bills create a feeling of scarcity but it can leave you feeling powerless about money. Instead, I pay my business and personal bills twice a month, like clockwork. I bless each one as I pay it, feeling full of gratitude that I am helping to keep money flowing in our nation’s economy and in my own personal economy as well.
Power Money Tip #2 Don’t Let Clients “Waffle” On Agreements
It’s natural that when a client hits their own wall, feeling less than powerful, decisive or confident about their actions, that they may try to conclude your work with them prematurely. When this happens it’s up to you to hold your clients as powerful, even when they may not be able to for themselves. I passionately believe that a client wanting to quit your program or coaching is an opportunity for a breakthrough!
Believing that makes it easy for me to help my clients move through their fears and self-doubt so they can, once and for all, start achieving more of what they want. What I say is that I wouldn’t be the coach they expect me to be if I didn’t hold them not only to their commitment to me but to their commitment to themselves. I let them know I’ll support them by helping them find solutions to their situation. Holding them to their highest and greatest good in this way is a powerful act of courage and kindness on your part, and can truly make a lasting difference in the lives of your clients.
Power Money Tip #3 Raise Your Fees
The only reason not to raise your fees is because of fear. So, would now be the perfect time to get over that one? When you raise your fees you are taking a powerful stand that you are worth more. You’re also raising your standard that you’ll focus even more on the value of what you do, not just the “mechanics” of how you deliver your service. Which leads me to my last tip on this important topic…
Power Money Tip #4 Focus On Value, Not On The Media
I’ve written before about not paying attention to the media. Remember, what you pay attention to is what you get more of. Yes, you DO have control of what’s happening in our economy and the control you have is to focus your attention on your clients, period. There are at least ten different ways you can provide new or richer value to your clients and when you do, they’ll be happy to purchase additional services from you.
The Power Of Money Is Not In The Spending But In The Opportunity For You To Fulfill Your Soul’s Divine Purpose!
Money is here to serve you so the sooner you step into your power in how you handle money, the sooner you’ll have more of it in your life…and in your bank account!
Would you like to learn more simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from ‘dollars-for-hours work’ and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site, http://www.KendallSummerHawk.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar “7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of In-come “Money and Soul” Business.
*This news post was submitted by Kendall Summerhawk.
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