Jeff Walker has released a video case study called “From Food Stamps To Six Figures”. According to Jeff, this case study is about a guy that went from being on Food Stamps to making a six-figure income in his Internet business.[Video Case Study]

Jeff Walker has released a video case study called “From Food Stamps To Six Figures”.

According to Jeff, this case study is about a guy that went from being on Food Stamps to making a six-figure income in his Internet business.

Jeff says, “Some people think product launches are a bunch of guru hype. All those “big name” guys just get their buddies to send a bunch of email about something, they make a million bucks, and then they go party like rock stars in Las Vegas.

And I suppose that stuff does happen. In fact, I actually KNOW it happens.

But the reality is there’s a bunch of regular folks who are doing product launches in all sorts of regular markets (or even some tiny little weird markets) and making small fortunes.”

Jeff Walker’s ‘From Food Stamps To Six Figures’ Video Case Study

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