Simon Hodgkinson Launching ‘Web Based Wealth’ November 11
Simon Hodgkinson is launching ‘Web Based Wealth’ course on Tuesday, November 11 at 8.00 am EST. According to Simon, ‘Web Based Wealth’ is a study guide to creating products, setting up an online business, running it like a pro and marketing products. [Web Based Wealth]
Simon Hodgkinson is launching ‘Web Based Wealth’ course on Tuesday, November 11 at 8.00 am EST.
According to Simon, ‘Web Based Wealth’ is a study guide to creating products, setting up an online business, running it like a pro and marketing products.
We’re now less than 12 hours away from the launch of Web Based Wealth and I’m feeling charged up and really excited… (8 months is a long time to be working on a project before it sees the light of day)… And I’m mad keen to get this in people’s hands so it can work it’s magic 🙂
Before you make your decision to buy the course tomorrow I’ve got a really important message for you (and to be honest something of a rant that I’ve wanted to get off my chest for months if not years)
You should grab a large drink and settle down for this one 😉
How many times in the past have you bought a course or ebook only to find the information inside it was either terrible and didn’t help at all, or was ok / good but incomplete?
Now I buy lots of books, courses, dvd’s in fact you name it and I buy it, but I bet I’ve felt that way at least 80% of the times I’ve bought something…
And I bet you have too?
You know what I mean here – Yes the information would be helpful if only the author bothered to tell you how to do the other 5 or 6 things you needed to do before their ‘strategy’ actually worked.
You know
— Excellent Product Launch Strategy
No information about creating a product to launch
— Excellent Traffic Generation Strategy
No information about converting all the traffic into cash paying customers
— Brilliant List Building Tactic
No information about getting the list you build and converting it into responsive readers who actually buy something
Would it be too much to ask?
Would it?
Meanwhile you’re left with a pile of disjointed and (let’s be honest) bloody useless material
Sometimes this is actually done deliberately, it’s to get you to buy the next big thing…
I’ve seen any number of big name marketers teach that particular tactic and it’s really turned me off them (Man if you want to help someone then help them right?)
But to be fair it’s not always because someone is trying to milk you for every penny you have…
At times it’s because the ‘teacher’ simply lacks the experience in those other areas.
Or worse still their stuff just doesn’t work and the last thing they want you to do is find that out.
But where does that leave us…
We go off again in search of the missing piece of the puzzle – Only this time that great new traffic strategy you spend your hard earned cash on just doesn’t bring in the type of traffic that works with the strategies you read about in that email marketing book
To be honest it’s a bloody mess… and half the time I don’t know how some people wade through things to actually achieve anything!
You know – For the first 3 years I was online I spent thousands of dollars buying 100’s ebooks,
courses, DVDs (you name it) and yes, while I had all the basics I needed from them, trying to work out how to put it all together was frying my brain.
Now c’mon hands up if it feels the same way to you?
If it does keep reading (take another sip of the coffee and stay with me on this)
Because as from tomorrow it doesn’t have to be this way anymore – Tomorrow you can grab a copy of Web Based Wealth…
This is a *complete* study guide to creating products, setting up an online business, running it like a pro and marketing your products.
You’ll discover how to generate traffic, build your list and how to market to them effectively
You’ll find out how to really increase your order conversions and why it’s vital you sell more on the back end to increase your profits…
Then if you keep moving forward you’ll get the low down on pulling in big bucks from your content, How to pile up loads of money as an affiliate and how to finally get the big guys and big name joint venture partners to sit up and take notice –
And how to build an army of affiliates chomping at the bit to promote everything you put an order button on…
I’m not joking here – the only thing I think that’s missing inside the course is me telling you what to do with all the extra cash (because I figured you’d already made plans for that – right 🙂
And guess what – it’s not disjointed it all fits together and yes it works…
In truth ANYONE can take this course and succeed with it…
Sure if you are really just starting out it might take you a little longer than if you’ve been at this game for a while
But it works – No more fumbling around picking up small paychecks here and there… Because Web Based Wealth will show you how to go from a standing start into making incredible, life changing income fast.
But… And this is important…
It only works if you are prepared to buy it… … read it and then apply it (and keep working at it)
Are you a ‘do-er’?
You know there are some people out there who are so busy looking for the next gimmick, the next big, red, shiny button to press or the next ‘big thing’ that they are *totally* unable to focus on any one project for more than a few weeks (Hell some of them can’t go an hour before jumping to the next thing)
If you are prepared to follow Web Based Wealth
If you will cover all the course modules
If you use the study guide and the mind maps
If you use the work books
And then if you put all the knowledge into action
then I guarantee you this…
By this time next year, your life will be like someone else’s and you either have or be on your way to having everything in life you could ever hope for…
Full stop
– Nothing left out
– Nothing left to chance
– No confusion
– Straight talking
– No nonsense
No – I’m not going to show you how to ‘game’ google for a few weeks (generally about as long as those kind of tactics last)
Neither am I going to include some new software program that posts crap to twenty five million blogs (in the hope you get slightly more visitors than you do abuse complaints)
And no I’m not going to teach you some sly tricks to fool people opening your emails or conning them into buying just about anything you can find that gives them zero value.
What you will learn about is how to build a *PROPER* online business – One with SOLID products, brilliant marketing and long term business growth
Real stuff
And the things that when you apply them properly will not just make you rich, but will keep your kids and their kids in college and living a better life.
Proper marketing – sensible and straightforward
If you read the sales letter tomorrow and begin to think –
“Oh this is way to much for me to learn” (or something like that) then… and sorry I know this is going to get some people scrambling for the unsubscribe button because it’s to ‘close to home’
a) not cut out to start and grow a successful business
b) condemning yourself to another 12 months of the same
Sure there’s lots to learn
It’s a business
And your going to have to build it, grow it, stock it, and live it every day…
Sorry but if you want to know the ‘truth’ about making a lot of money online it’s this “There is no magic button”
– No magic pill
– No crazy machine that prints money by flicking a switch and going back to bed or sitting back in front of the TV
You deserve the truth and you deserve better!
We know – In the world right now people are losing their jobs, their homes, and more… We live in a society that is clinging on to the idea that being an ’employee’ is still the right thing to do.
And okay for some (the magic button pressing brigade) it is
But there are more and more people every day who are beginning to realize that the industrial society, the grand scale manufacturing industries, the traditional ‘job for life’ workplaces are failing – Society is evolving…
There are no more jobs for life – Heck these days a job for a year is bonus
And the bravest thing you can do right now is stand up and take control of your own future
It doesn’t matter – whether you’re 18 and fresh out of school with no chance of landing a ‘well paid secure job’
or whether – you’re 75 and sick on living on a miserable pension that just allows you to scrape by.
The thing *everyone* shouldn’t be afraid of is having to sit down for a few weeks, tune out the garbage and learn about how to change things around for themselves
The thing to really be afraid of is standing still
Watching the world pass you by
Leaving it up to someone else
And putting up with things you’d rather not…
Tomorrow – You can change things round
You can grab life by the shirt collar and shake it in your direction… It’s up to you to want it bad enough
Tomorrow *250* people are going to get access to the ‘Web Based Wealth’ site and course and while I can’t guarantee you’ll become the next ‘dot com millionaire’
I will say that you stand a fighting chance to change and shape of your future and mould it exactly how you want… And if that future involves making so much money you can build a house from $10 dollar bills in time for Christmas 2009 then that’s cool…
Because you will have at your fingertips the resources, the information and the tactics to do it
It’s time to change the game plan folks
It’s time to turn those baby steps into big, bold strides and to kick some serious butt!
Because even if ‘Web Based Wealth’ is the last ever course on Internet Marketing you buy (and you’ll see tomorrow why it could be) then take my word for it.
Big strides will be what you will be capable of.
– If you have tried so many things before and feel like giving up – take this one last shot…
If you’re fed up, and sick of your job, invest in this course
If you need more cash, more free time, or a better life take the plunge tomorrow
If you want to change yourself (or the world around you) then take action – be there and be bold
To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson
PS: Remember the site goes live tomorrow at 08.00 EST (If you visit the site now you can check what time that is where you live – for instance in the UK it will be 1PM in the afternoon)
There are 250 foundation member spots that include over $3,500 of real value ‘early bird’ bonuses don’t let someone else take yours!
PPS: Thanks for reading 🙂
[email with the subject: The “Mega Rant” mail from Simon – Get a coffee]Simon Hodgkinson’s ‘Web Based Wealth’ Course
*This email is reprinted after obtaining permission from Simon Hodgkinson.
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Simon Hodgkinson for granting permission to reprint this email.
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