In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “One design doubled response, another killed it” [‘Email Reprint’]

In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “One design doubled response, another killed it”

His Email is reprinted here :

This one is truly scary.One design change more than doubled response.

That’s good.Another change killed it.That’s bad.

Now here’s the scary thing…

I’ll let Tom Leung of Google share the story he shared with attendees at last year’s System in Chicago:

– Ken

P.S. The day after TOMORROW is the deadline for super early bird tuition for System 2009.

The System Seminar is EARLY this year March 27 – 29 to be exact.

Ken McCarthy

The System Seminar

[email with the subject: One design doubled response, another killed it]

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.

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