Franck Silvestre’s latest article is titled “What I Did Online in 2008? Read”. [Article]

Franck Silvestre’s latest article:

What I Did Online in 2008? Read

I did almost nothing.

In fact I took a pretty big vacation from IM and my laptop – I didn’t work seriously since February 2008. I just came back online last month. That gives me 4 months of getting busy on the net. IM is cool. It’s really do what you like when you like.

I enjoy Internet marketing, but I also have many offline activities, my wife, two children (a new baby for one month!), and I also need to practice. I’m a Ju-jutsu and Silat expert if you don’t know. Heck, before IM, I was a body guard.

So what I learned in 2008?

1. I learned that one of the most important thing is to take care of – YOU. If you are tired and exhausted, your web biz will not improve.

2. I learned that you need to outsource to make more money and have more time.

If you are not outsourcing yet, you should start. You can get people to work for you on for $3 to $15+ an hour. I like to work with VAs, and I am sure that once you start, you will wonder why you never outsourced before.

3. I learned to keep organized and to track the more important data of my business to instantly see what’s improving, what’s going wrong, and where I should focus my efforts.

What I Did Online in 2008? Read

*This news post was submitted by Franck Silvestre.

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