Josh Anderson has launched ‘Transparent Player’. According to Josh, this player is a direct response web site video players on the net. It is compatible with the latest version of flashplayer and playback of .flv videos as well as h.264 encoded video formats such as .mov and .mp4. [‘Transparent Player’]

Josh Anderson has launched ‘Transparent Player’.

‘Transparent Player’ Sales Letter

‘Transparent Player’ sales letter title:

“Watch As I Demonstrate A {Powerful} New Response Boosting Web Video Player That Has tobe Seen To be Believed…”

More About ‘Transparent Player’

‘Transparent Player’ is a direct response web site video players on the net. It is compatible with the latest version of flashplayer and playback of .flv videos as well as h.264 encoded video formats such as .mov and .mp4.

Josh says, “The player also supports playback of transparent flv alpha channel videos and many other features making it the internet’s most powerful and optimized direct response web site video player.”

‘Transparent Player’

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