In his latest email Andy Jenkins talks about ‘I’ve made a BIG decision’. [‘Email Reprint’]

In his latest email Andy Jenkins talks about ‘I’ve made a BIG decision’.

After reading more than 181 survey emails (some of them were 3 pages long), I’ve made a “Pay-it-Forward” decision.

Last Thursday, a woman named Cheryl Antier fired up a thread in the FormulaFIVE client portal that blew my hair back.

The title was: “WOW – I just made $10,000”

It stopped me COLD. More on that in a second.

I went back to reading email after email from the survey of people who DID NOT buy FormulaFIVE.

It was depressing.

It was depressing because virtually ALL of them (I’m talking 172 out of 181 people) said essentially the same thing:

“I would LOVE to have FormulaFIVE, but I just can’t afford it right now.”

Over and over again, the same message, and the same question: “Can you do anything to make this system more affordable?”

I went back to the FormulaFIVE portal to see if there was any background information on Cheryl. I wanted to know if she did anything special, or had any special qualifications because she had only been a FormulaFIVE client for 4 days.

But I ended up seeing something else entirely – another thread, this one from Matthew Jones:

“…the email has brought in 24 sales in just a few hours and $7,488. Not bad for 10 minutes work…”

This was nuts because FormulaFive hadn’t even formally started yet. I replied with a “BOOYA” of congratulations, hit ‘submit’…


Matthew Glanfield (He’s an affiliate marketer)

“… I can project and increase of about $10,207.80 (yes, he calculated it out to the eighty cents) just from those two changes (He italicized the words, too)

After reading survey email after survey email where amazing, honest people who were NOT asking for a handout – just a helping hand…

I made a decision.

–> On Tuesday, 1-27-09 (tomorrow), I’m going to reveal a SPECIAL Recession Buster Plan for FormulaFIVE. And when I say SPECIAL, I mean it.

FormulaFive will be so affordable that practically anyone can find that bit extra that it takes to be a FormulaFive client.

And there’s even more help on the way. It’s coming from a New Module called:

–> “FormulaSIX – The Product Producer”

Here’s the thing, when you read every word of a survey response – your customers TELL you want they want – what they need. And more than a handful of you have asked for help with Product Creation, of every sort.

Here’s an excerpt from the FormulaSIX description:

“If you’ve ever needed a systematic way to create red-hot products and services that your customers are eager to buy, this course will revolutionize your process.

– It doesn’t matter if you sell one thing or a thousand things.

– It doesn’t matter if you sell information, are a professional, sell services, or physical products.

– It doesn’t matter if you sell big ticket or small ticket items.

– It doesn’t matter if you sell your own hand-made goods or drop-ship someone else’s…

… The Product Producer will give you the keys to create an unlimited supply of ash-generating products that your customers WANT to buy, over and over again.”

And FormulaSIX is now included in the FormulaFive System. INCLUDED.

I’m gonna ask you just a question – and I want you to think about it.

Have an honest look at how much money your business is making you. Is it where you want? If the answer is “No”,then why are you going to keep doing the same things?

I remember when cash was ultra-tight for me. And it was during those times when just a handful of people extended their generosity and gave me an opportunity. The “Recession Busting Plan” and “FormulaSIX – The Product Producer” is my way of returning that Favor.

WHERE: Leave us a comment, ask a question, whatever you like!

[email with the subject: RE: Compelling Survey Data – “I’ve made BIG a decision”]

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Stomper Formula Five’s Andy Jenkins and Tom Ham for granting permission to reprint this email.

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