‘More Opt-ins for Your Business Now’ by Ken McCarthy
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “More opt-ins for your business now” [‘Email Reprint’]
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “More opt-ins for your business now”.
His Email is reprinted here :
Here’s what Internet marketing boils down to:
Traffic + Conversion = Profits
This simple formula has been enough to take some System grads from total “newbie” status to
multi-million dollar a year businesses.
But as always, the devil is in the details.
One of the “details” of Internet marketing is getting people to join your mailing list:opt-ins.
In some ways, getting the opt-in is the single most important skill in Internet marketing.
Because opt-ins are the bridge between raw traffic and bankable sales.
If you know how to make your opt-in process strong, you’re half way home.
One of the proofs of this is the remarkable business model of System 2009 faculty member
Sean D’Souza:
Sean buys no pay per click advertising…no SEO…no affiliate marketing…and yet his business thrives and gives him one of the things he values most highly: an independent income and tons and tons of free time.
His secret?
Well, Sean has a lot of them, but one of the big ones is he really understands the opt-in process.
Sean and I spent a good hour drilling down on all the things you can do to generate more and
better quality opt-ins.
If you listen to no other tele-seminar this year, make sure you listen to this one.
Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.
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