‘How Maple Syrup Can Increase Your Income – Really’ by Ken McCarthy
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “How maple syrup can increase your income – really” [‘Email Reprint’]
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “How maple syrup can increase your income – really”.
His Email is reprinted here :
As anyone selling hotel rooms, real estate, stocks, cars or any one of a number of previously “hot commodities” knows, the prices of just about everything are much lower than they were last year.
That’s easy.
Money is tight.
People are deciding to spend less and that’s reducing demand. People who want to make sales are making deals.
Everyone, its seems, except maple syrup dealers.
Maple syrup?
Yes, maple syrup.
Even as the price of everything else is crashing the price of maple syrup is going up, prices went up 30% two years ago and 70% this year.
What gives?
It’s not as if maple syrup is a necessity.
I don’t know a single person who can’t live without it.
And yet…
People are happily paying more than two times as much for it than they did two years ago.
The product of a maple tree of which there are 289 million in New York State alone.
It’s worth puzzling over things like this because they reveal some important clues to the secret of making money.
*** Businesses that go against the tide
#1. Uniqueness
There’s no replacement for maple syrup. If it’s maple syrup you want, it’s the only substance that will fill the need.
#2. Scarcity
Even though there are hundreds of millions of maple trees in the world, only a relatively small number are set up for production which means the supply is limited.
Adding to production capacity can’t be accomplished in the short term fast enough to increase supply (in the short run.)
#3. Marketing power
Uniqueness and scarcity help, but without marketing they don’t mean much.
Diamonds were just shiny rocks until the DeBeers decided to make them sought after.
Miami Beach was just raggedy sand dunes at the southern tip of Florida until developers turned it into a “destination.”
And maple syrup was just maple syrup until the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers decided to invest some time, money and effort in increasing demand.
By the way, how much is maple syrup going for now?
In certain retail stores in NYC….up to $160 per gallon.
…In the middle of the worst financial crisis that most people living today have ever seen.
That’s the magic of marketing.
You can make more money by improving your accounting…improving your operations….improving the productivity of your employees…cutting waste…but NOTHING gives you the leverage like improving your marketing does.
Just ONE idea, well-executed, can be the source of explosion in sales and even rising prices in a down market.
So how do you get good at marketing?
There are all kinds of paths, but I’ve never been able to improve on the simple formula I recommended at the first System Seminar.
It’s this: LEARN – DO – NETWORK
Learning is the base. You need to know *something* to find good ideas that are worth doing.
“Doing” is key because learning all the theory in the world won’t make you a dime if it’s not put into practice.
Then finally, networking…getting with other entrepreneurs and comparing notes and sharing ideas.
Each one of these three elements is essential and that’s why I put the System Seminar together the way I do.
* FIRST – I get the very best people on earth in each of the key skills that make Internet marketing work:
SEO,…pay-per-click…lead generation…market research…conversion…info marketing….copywriting…sales psychology…tracking and testing.
* SECOND – I’m only interested in speakers who are actually DOING things (“selling real products to real people”).
I also bring back successful students – and we have more of them than any other training I know of – to share the details of how they’re applying their System Seminar education to
making more money.
We’ve had lots of six and seven (and even eight figure sales) a year grads come back and share the RESULTS of their doing.
* THIRD – Networking. Quality content attracts quality people.
Though our events have their fun side, I’ve never pitched the System Seminar as a party. Maybe it’s just me, but business and making money strikes me as serious business. (Could be why we have so many successful grads?)
Networking alone never got anyone anywhere, but networking with the right people can open all sorts or doors that you’d never be able to open in a million years of trying on your own.
You’ll find the best networking opportunities in Internet marketing at the System because smart Internet marketers all over the world know that’s where the serious Internet marketers go.
Also, while speakers at other events tend to “fly in, speak and pitch, and fly out” our faculty – top leaders in their fields – are available throughout the seminar to attendees.
Can you learn marketing from “a box” that arrives in the mail?
If you think about the LEARN – DO – NETWORK formula, you’ll realize that no “box” alone, no matter how good, can get you all the way there.
That’s why for 15 years, I’ve made the extraordinary effort to gather the best Internet marketing minds every year to make the real state-of-the-art all available in the same place at the same time.
Attendees get the best, most current information…learn from people who are actually doing…and network with serious pros.
This weekend is your last chance to register for the System Seminar at one of our early bird tuition rates.
The DEADLINE is this Sunday, March 15 at midnight.
Somebody is going to be making a lot of money in the coming years.
Experience shows the winners will be the entrepreneurs who’ve made a serious investment in their marketing educations.
In the Internet marketing arena a lot of those people will be System Seminar grads.
The REGISTRATION DEADLINE is this Sunday, March 15 at midnight.
Registration info here:
See you in Chicago!
P.S. If you want to read about the seminar while there is still time, you can do that here:
The seminar is March 27 – 29 in Chicago.
[email with the subject: How maple syrup can increase your income – really]*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.
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