‘WordPress Crusher Dime Sale + Josh Live on Main Page at Ustream.tv’ by Josh Anderson
In his latest email Josh Anderson talks on “WordPress Crusher dime sale + Josh live on main page at Ustream.tv” [‘Email Reprint’]
In his latest email Josh Anderson talks on “WordPress Crusher dime sale + Josh live on main page at Ustream.tv”.
I will try and keep this short but I have a bit of news to share in addition to a couple discounts for new products I am offering…
1. WordPress Crusher is an amazing package published by Robert Plank which was so good that I acquired rights to distribute it from him.
I just released it at a very limited “dime sale” discount at:
The price will increase by $.10 every time someone buys so be fast and head over there now to lock in your discount its a real steal.
2. There is still time to lock in the discount for the Video FX package at:
3. If you like both grab the Video FX package first because you will be immediately redirected to an OTO to get WordPress Crusher a little cheaper.
The price on that deal is set to increase by the second until it hits the retail price.
4. I am preparing for a live presentation that will be featured on the home page of Ustream.tv this coming Thursday March 26th at 11:30 am PST.
That’s right… it will be on the main home page FEATURED on Ustream.tv
I will send you more information next week before the presentation but for all you video junkies… one of the things I will be presenting on is video optimization 🙂
Stay tuned…
Josh Anderson
P.S. See a list of our other projects at http://internetbusinessideas.com
[email with the subject: WordPress Crusher dime sale + Josh live on main page at Ustream.tv]*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Josh Anderson for granting permission to reprint this email.
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