Rob Toth has announced that the replays (all 16 videos) of the speaker presentations from the Canada Marketing Summit are available until April 10. [Canada Marketing Summit]

Replays (all 16 videos) of the speaker presentations from the Canada Marketing Summit are available until April 10th…

We’ve made the recorded versions of the 16 presentations from our March 26-March 29th Canada Marketing Summit available for viewing online (TEMPORARILY!!).

But April 10th, we’re pulling all of them.

You still have a chance to watch some/all 16.

Here’s just some of what you missed by not coming out:

– Reed Floren got ID-ed
– 3D glasses were all the rage
– I awarded Vegamite to one of our speakers
– A VERY well known speaker announced that he smoked AND inhaled 😉
– Milk and cookies (ask Reed Floren next time to you talk to him)
– Limo rides and an intimate day out with select speakers
– Peak to Peak gondola (1427 feet in the air!)

Make up for it, by getting access to all of the Replays for only $19.95:

Hi Rob, Awesome seminar you and Jeff have put together.

Thanks for streaming the whole thing! Thanks again!

God Bless – Yoon Houm

“But I won’t be able to sit and watch all 16 sessions”.

Yup. That’s probably true. Which is why we charge only $19.95. ANY SINGLE VIDEO from our 16 is worth ten times the “replay admission” for all 16. And our attendees will attest to that fact.

So if you can’t watch all 16, that’s fine. Make time for your favorite 4 or 5 and watch those. You’ll be grinning with the value your $19.95 bought you.

Remember… this is temporary. The vids will be pulled soon (and later re-released for $497 in DVD sets).

*This news post was submitted by Rob Toth.

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