Alan R. Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ newsletter. This featured article is titled “I’d Like You To Meet Someone Truly Special”. [E-Wealth Report]

Alan Bechtold’s latest ‘E-Wealth Report’ newsletter article:

I’d Like You To Meet Someone Truly Special

I was going to tell you the next direct marketing step this week – but it can wait. I’ll get back on track NEXT week.

I spent the weekend in Las Vegas at Lee and Robin Collins’ and Simon Leung’s first-ever Rockstar Platinum seminar event. It was…how do I put this and not sound like a blubbering newbie…spectacular. An incredible line-up of speakers. A unique theme that made everything truly fun. And located in Las Vegas – always a fun place to hang out.

While I was there, I met someone really special and I couldn’t wait to tell you about him. His name is Ronnie. He’s a chauffeur in Vegas who came to the Rockstar Platinum event. It was his first time attending a marketing seminar of any kind and I could tell he was bubbling over with excitement.

I wish I’d met him the first or second day … but it was day three of the event before he approached me and asked for a moment of my time.

I love getting to know the attendees at these events so, of course, I agreed.

That’s when Ronnie went straight for my soul. He told me how he’d struggled the first day, nervous and unsure what to do. A little overwhelmed by all the information he was being presented. After the first day, he said, he thought long and hard and realized he’d been selfish and stayed to himself.

Determined to change the situation on day two, he started thinking, trying to come up with a simple way to make himself stand out. He wanted to not only be able to meet some of the experts in the room that weekend – he also wanted to leave a lasting impression when he did.

So – he turned to the bag of tricks he’s been using for years to climb to the top of his profession. And he presented me with a simple gift. Something that cost him very little money, but that could be worth literally millions to me.

Ronnie went on to tell me how he presented the same gift to one of his high-end customers – celebrity types. You’d know the name if I told you, but it really doesn’t matter here. The man’s an accomplished filmmaker, producer and screenwriter.

Ronnie wanted to leave an impression – so he gabe this guy the same gift he’d just handed to me.

After giving him the gift, Ronnie told me this gentlemen smiled like a kid. Then, from that point foward, he always specifically asked for Ronnie whenever he came into town.

Ronnie tried it again with a different gift. This one cost him $15. The result? He got an invitation to submit a screenplay he’d written.

Unfortunately, that screenplay was ultimately – but Ronnie also showed me the NICE PERSONAL letter, signed by the guy himself, thanking him for submitting it and informing him gently that, unfortunately, it didn’t fit his company’s needs at this time.

You think Ronnie’s enthusiasm was dampened? Not one bit!

At the Rockstar Platinum event, Ronnie made a point of giving every presenter he admired there the gift he’d brought. Then, he asked most of them if they could give him a testimonial with our reactions.

It seems Ronnie is now at work setting up a Website and testing the Internet marketing waters – and he was smart enough to know that some video testimonials from leading experts in the field would make PERFECT oars to help him slice through those marketing waters with haste.

I was more than happy to help him out. I’m sure he came away from the event with a minimum of half a dozen testimonials from major players in the Internet marketing industry. When he gets the site he’s working on up, it’ll start out with raves from leaders starting day one.

But it didn’t stop there.

I told Ronnie about the round-trip ticket I bought for transportation from the airport to the event hotel and back. I told him how lucky I felt that I was the first stop as the bus the airport. It wound up the “round-trip” travel I’d purchased included riding in a huge bus full of people going to at least six hotels on one run.

I told him, even though I’d paid for a round trip, I was thinking of just grabbing a taxi, as it would be faster and I better conrol the time I would be picked up and still make it to the airport on time. Then I could sleep in a bit longer before I had to leave – always a nice thing after a strenuous weekend in Las Vegas.

Ronnie immediately offered to drive me to the airport the next day. He said he would have to check his work schedule but he was certain he was off in the morning and it would be no problem.

True to his word, Ronnie was in the lobby Monday morning at our pre-arranged time, waiting to pick me up, a broad infectious grin on his face.

It’s a very short trip from the event hotel to the airport, but we had a great time chatting. He refused to let me touch my bags and treated me like one of his premier limousine clients the whole way.

I wish it had been a longer drive.

Let me ask you – do you think Ronnie’s going places? Pardon the pun, but I’d make book on it. Not only does Ronnie have spirit and tenacity, he’s a talented connector to a degree of which I’m pretty sure even he isn’t certain.

And he took action, came to that event, and figured out a way to connect memorably with pretty much everyone he came in contact with.

I sincerely hope I’ll see him again again soon. Even if I don’t, I doubt seriously I’ll ever forget him.

But, I’m fairly certain it won’t be all that long before I start running into Ronnie at events all over the country. This time, we’ll hang out as fellow presenters.

Ask yourself – could you do what Ronnie did? Your answer had better be “Absolutely!”

Ronnie did nothing special whatsoever – unless you call making OTHER people feel special a special thing to do. It made a near-billionaire grin like a kid and took him – in my eyes – from an acquaintance to a friend in one short 24-hour span.

There are few guarantees in life and almost none in business. But here’s one for you I hope you write down. Stick it in your wallet and carry it with you always.

I guarantee – just attending one marketing event like Rockstar Platinum is the ONE thing you can do that’s capable of getting your dream of online profits beyond where you ever thought it would be in record time – IF you follow Ronnie’s example.

It works every time. It can be as simple as listening carefully, overhearing a need or anticipating one, and filling it. It could be buying a speaker lunch. Bringing her a cup of coffee or a juice when she’s unable to get one on her own.

I know it sounds self-serving. I often speak at these events. Perhaps I’m just pushing for free goodies.

That’s not what it’s about at all. But, if you doubt it, just watch for Ronnie the Las Vegas chauffeur’s Website debut. We’ll see how fast he climbs to success.

I’m home in Florida now – but I’ll bet he’s going to make it soon!

Here are two events YOU can plan to attend and put Ronnie’s example into action right away:

Ross Goldberg’s LAST Live Master’s Seminar, in Tampa, Florida, April 16 – 19, 2009.

There is a simply amazing lineup of super-star marketing experts slated to appear and it’s NOT too late to book a flight and get there but the seats are going FAST! If you live anywhere near the area, grab a room and plan to be there.

Hook up with just ONE or TWO and you’re possibly off and running!

Click HERE To Check Out Ross Goldberg’s LAST-EVER Masters Seminar

Then – in June, it’s the Music City Internet Marketing Seminar in Nashville, TN, June 19-21, 2009.

You’ve got a bit more time to plan for this one. DON’T MISS IT! If there is any way possible…make plans to attend. Put Ronnie’s plan into action and you’ll be on your way, too.

I’ll tell you how to get to THAT one next week!

Either way, I hope to see YOU in Tampa or in Nashville or BOTH soon! You don’t HAVE to buy me a coffee or lunch…but I WILL expect you to surprise me with what you cook up to captivate my attention!

See you here – next week!

– Alan R. Bechtold, president/CEO, BBS Press Service, Inc.

Author, Will Work for Fun: 3 Simple Steps to Turning Any Hobby or Interest Into Cash (John Wiley & Sons Books)

Co-Producer and star of The FUNdamental You!, on DVD or watch the full-length movie online:

Producer and Star, Breakfast With Alan, live Ustream TV show every other Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. eastern US Time:

‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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