‘Content Marketing Review: Sales Autopsy Alive & Kickin” by Patsi Krakoff
Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post with video is titled “Content Marketing Review: Sales Autopsy Alive & Kickin’.” [Writing on the Web]
Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post with video:
‘Content Marketing Review: Sales Autopsy Alive & Kickin”
Patsi says, “Dan Seidman of Sales Autopsy was the lucky winner of a Content Marketing Review in our random drawing. Dan is a keynote speaker who provides unique sales training based on his best selling book, “Sales Autopsy: 50 Post-mortems Reveal What Killed the Sale.”
‘Content Marketing Review: Sales Autopsy Alive & Kickin”…
Patsi Krakoff ‘s Writing on the Web Blog
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