Marlon Sanders has released the latest issue of ‘Marketing Minute’. The featured article is titled “How To Get Out Of The Rat Race And Into The Chips.” [Article]

Marlon Sanders’ latest article:

How To Get Out Of The Rat Race And Into The Chips

Out Of The Rat Race and Into The Chips

So you’re getting lots of emails I bet.

And not that I’m psychic or anything but I’m pretty sure they all have a common theme…

“Buy something from XYZ person.”

And there are probably screen caps with dollar amounts that make your eyes pop out and your emotions soar to Saturn just anticipating buying that mansion the new Jag and a hot tub the size of a swimming pool.

Let’s apply some logic here to see how we CAN get you in the chips and out of the rat race.

Some of you NEWBIES who aren’t used to my style or ezine, let me explain. I sometimes write colloquially on purpose. I feel it gets a point across.

This issue is written deliberately with very casual language and spelling BECAUSE I have a VERY simple message than I’m really passionate about. If you want more detailed info, see the “cheat sheets” on my blog at:

Many years ago I was in your shoes. I was buying all the information products and books I could find. Of course, at the time, that wasn’t many because the Internet didn’t exist.

I had Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples, the one with the red and white cover.

I had How to Write a Good Advertisement by Vic Schwab (the ugly blue and black cover one).

And I had a whole lot of dinky little reports I bought from hokey ad sheets that made the rounds back then.

One day I spotted this ad by a guy out of New York named H. K. Simon “How to Get Out Of The Rate Race And Into The Chips.” Now, coming from Oklahoma where they raise
pigs and cows, I wasn’t quite sure why anyone would WANT “cow chips.”

But I bought the book anyways since I didn’t have many books to choose from or buy.

So this dude H.K. Simon put together info products and sold him. It was the same kinda thing Jerry Buchanan, the father of the modern day info product business (or arguably so),recommended people do.

Actually, Jerry Buchanan once told me R.A. Torrey was the Father of the modern day info product business. But not many people know ’bout R.A.Torrey. I got some of his old products and sales letters round here but that goes WAAAAY old school.

My mentor Lew Williams knew one of the proteges of R.A.Torrey and worked with him back in the day. Back then,they’d test 300 pieces of direct mail ’cause 2,000 was too expensive.

Anyway, I read this thin book my H.K. Simon and it told how he put together a little booklet about getting freebie ads on radio stations called “per inquiry” where you could sell your products without paying money upfront.

And he sold that report. In came a bundle of bucks he stuck in his bank account. Sounded good to me.

Twas a lot better than working at the Dairy Queen or selling shoes.

I thought I’d share couple old school ideas with you about how you can do a little better and make a little more online and line your own pockets with bills instead of only someone elses.

These days everyone wants to reach into your pocket and take some bills out.

And you got bills showin’ up in the mail. But not the kind you can put IN your bank. The kind that take OUT of your bank.

I wanna turn the tables on that for ya.

Now listen up closely ’cause I’m goin’ “old school” here on ya.

“The secret of stuffing your pockets with bills is sellin’ stuff to others.”

Now buyin’ info products that teach you HOW to do that is all good and everything. I spend $35,000 a year and am happy to do so.

But here’s the thing:

You gotta SELL more than you BUY!

And I talk to a lotta folks who ain’t figured that one out yet. They are buyin’, buyin’, buyin’ but there ain’t no sellin’ goin’ on.

Here is how you turn the tables:

Step one: Find folks who are buyin’ today in this economy

You want people who are STILL spending money.

Look at the forums. See what people are talking about. See if they are buyin’ or not.

Step two: Find out WHAT they’re buyin’ and where they’re goin’ to buy it.

What blogs, web sites and forums do they trounce around on?

Step three: See if you can buy ads there.

Step four: Create a product for ’em in under one week.

Step five: Create a sales letter to SELL the product in under one week.

Step six: Go hustle it

How do you hustle it?

Man, you get creative. This is old school thinkin’ here.

You know, you need bills in your pocket, you just FIND a way.You find out who has a list and will SELL your product to THEIR list.


I dunno. You FIND a way. You pick up the phone. You tweet.You email. You make friends. You participate in forums.

Now see, what you gotta realize is you got your tables turned round all WRONG.

That’s right. I said your TABLES are all turned around WRONG.

Cause you are in someone else’s pond and YOU are the one THEY’RE sellin’ to, sellin’ to and sellin’ to some MORE!

Which is all fine and good IF you’re turnin’ around and usin’ what you learned to sell MORE to others.

See, you got your IN BUCKET and your OUT BUCKET.And if that in bucket got less in it than the OUT bucket, the bank account goes DOWN, the significant other, spouse or kids
complain ’cause they can’t buy stuff, the car company gets upset cause you didn’t pay them money….and so forth.

This ain’t new school.

This is old school.

You find out what people buy.

You find out who they are.

You find out where they are.

And you make some stuff they wanna buy.

And you figure out how you sell it to ’em.

You just figure it out.


I dunno.

You figure it out.

Yout try some stuff.

Then you try some more stuff.

Some of my folks in my family here on my list…they been buyin’ and buyin’ and buyin’ for YEARS and there ain’t no product creatin’ and product sellin’ goin’ on.

Lemme tell you something.

That’s agin EVERYTHANG I believe in…ever THANG I teach.

Ain’t nothin’ right bout THAT.

I’m talkin’ old school here. I’m not talkin’ new school.I’m sayin’ you do what you gotta do to get money in the door.And you spend LESS than that.

Not more.

You don’t spend more.

You spend less.

Some of you write me and say “Marlon, I ain’t makin’ money online.How come?”

And I say “Dude, you got to go OLD SCHOOL man.” You got to find people BUYIN’ stuff. Then create stuff for em that they WANT.Then you gotta SELL it to ’em.

And the reason you ain’t got money is you been buyin’ but NOT creatin’ and sellin’.

I did NOT say create perfectly.

I did NOT say sell with the 1 click upsell, forced continuity,triple bypass SPILLOVER.

I said just sell dangit.

Just sell it.

You can add on the magical whiz bang upsell, downsell, insell,outsell, forced this and that….AFTER you got money in the door.You’re lining your pockets and stacking greens in your bank account.

My friend, you make bank by SELLIN’ stuff more than buyin’.

See, now you knew this fer you read this, right? You know the truth about this. And you know you know that you know. And now all I’m sayin’ is who you gonna listen to?

Who you gonna put your faith and trust in?

Someone reachin’ in your pockets all the time but not helpin’ you line em?

It’s your choice.

Now, I’m ALL FOR selling. Don’t get me wrong. Do NOT learn selling from people who can’t sell.

And I’m all FOR buying info products and learning.

I’m saying if you’re learning and buying and learning and buying and never creating and selling, you got your tables wrong and you need to turn things round.

Get off your buts, get off your assets, create some products and some sales letters, sales videos, sales something or the other and go other there and get someone to give you money.

This isn’t new school folks.

It’s old school.

You make bank by sellin’ to people who are buyin’.

End of sermon.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without all the hype, go to: and subscribe

Check out all my products here:

Marlon’s Marketing Minute

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Marlon Sanders for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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