‘Let Old Customers Bring New Business’- ‘DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ Article
‘DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article titled “Let Old Customers Bring New Business” is reprinted here. [eZine Article]
‘DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article is reprinted here.
Let Old Customers Bring New Business
We all know it’s not easy luring in new customers. So what can we do? Simply get your existing customers to buy from you again.
So how do you keep old customers coming back? Try offering the service or product they have bought before, but this time with an added incentive. You could not only design the web site, but also promote it free for the first month.
You could also offer them an additional product or service that compliments the one they already purchased. Try offering a companion book, or a newsletter subscription on the same topic.
Each time you add a new product to your line, blast out another email or direct mail campaign to your customer base announcing your addition. Offer special pricing incentives to show you appreciate past customers, calling it a “special thank you for your business.”
About the Author
Kevin Nunley is the Net’s #1 copywriter. Thousands of businesses have relied on Kevin for quality sales letters, web site copy, ads, and press releases. You get sizzling copy in the style you need, fast service, and affordable prices that are hard to beat. And that makes YOU look GOOD. http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Dr. Kevin Nunley for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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