Michael Campbell has released the latest issue of ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’. The featured article is titled “Google’s New Search Options”. [Newsletter]

Michael Campbell has released the latest issue of:

Internet Marketing Secrets

Here are some new tips for you. You can start using them right away. Got comments or questions? Click reply to this email and I’ll do what I can to help you out.

In this Edition:

1) Google’s New Search Options
2) New Clickbank Ad Builder
3) Where to Get Sales Training
4) Getting Traffic with Web Video
5) Only Three Niches are Profitable

– – – Sponsor – – –

RiskFree Traffic and Commissions

Thousands of people like you have discovered GooBert.It’s the fastest way to generate affiliate revenue.

All it takes is basic hosting, a WordPress blog and 30 minutes per day of your time. So why not turn on the TV a half hour later and do something useful instead?

Be warned though, it’s not only lucrative, it’s highly addictive, easy and fun. Get GooBert. The fast, fun,easy way to get traffic and generate affiliate revenue.

Go Get GooBert: http://www.gogoobert.com

– – – /Sponsor – – –

Google’s New Search Options

There is plenty of confusion and many questions about Google’s new search options. “Should we change the way we build our sites?” Should we change the type of content we produce?” And a bazillion others…

You can watch the official Google video below if you haven’t already seen it. Then come back and read my take on it.


Now to answer your questions…

Yes, I think the new search options reinforce what I’ve teaching my students for years.As affiliates, it’s a good idea to create review type sites. Use video where possible. And join
conversations that are taking place in your niche.

As for the other tools… The timeline feature is certainly good for sites that have been around
a long time. It’s also handy when looking at trends and doing research.

The wonder wheel needs work. Makes me wonder why they included it. 😉 It has the potential to be a funky keyword research and brainstorming tool,but my tests show it has very limited word association at this time.

So I don’t think it’s necessary to change the way we build sites or produce content. If you’ve
been creating product reviews, using video and subscribe to Google alerts to monitor conversations,you’re on the right track. If not, you can slowly add them into your marketing mix.

For example, I looked up my portable air conditioner and only found two reviews. I could write a review on it and quickly get top spot for it, for any searches that happened to to be done when someone clicks on the “Reviews” link.

Same deal with video. I clicked on the video link and there were zero results. Not one video.I could quickly do a three minute spot on how the air conditioner works, show the hose,filter, remote control and front panel. I’d get top spot, the only spot, in a matter of minutes.

Now all that said, I wouldn’t worry about it or panic. I saw very little press coverage on the new “Show Options” feature in Google. It’s tiny little link at the top of the search results page.It’s so barely noticeable that I wonder how many “average” people are going to notice it or even care?

Just like you can search using quotes to get exact matches, few people know about it. Even
those who do know about it rarely use it.

I think the academics and the kids will “get it” but the majority won’t, at least in the beginning. Google users are just like anything else that evolves, it takes time to break old habits and change usage patterns, even when the change is for the better.

Don’t get me wrong… I think change will come,and that’s where I like to quote Mark Twain on
success. He said, “Find out where the people are going and get there first.”

So go do a Google search and click the tiny “Show Options” link under the Google logo. Now
look for videos or reviews. Nothing there? Now’s your chance to get there first.

(This is an actual excerpt from the Dynamic Media Vault. Want to get your internet marketing
questions answered? Come join us at:http://www.dynamicmedia.com )

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New Clickbank Ad Builder

If you’re tired of the poor response you’re getting from the AdSense ads on your site,Clickbank has the answer. You can create ads using their new HopAd Builder to match the content and look of your site.

Unlike AdSense, you won’t get paid when someone clicks on an ad. They do need to go to the product sales page and order something.But since Clickbank commissions are in the 50-70% range, early tests show revenues from the Clickbank ads are outperforming AdSense almost 6 to 1.

You will need a Clickbank account to create your ads. Once you login, you’ll be able to create
text ad boxes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors to match your site.

There’s also Tabbed Ad Boxes, where you can specify the title and keywords for each tab.It’s a unique way to promote mulitple kinds of products from a single ad box.


Where to Get Sales Training

Right now I’m listening to Jeffrey Gitomer’s “The Sales Bible.” The Ultimate Sales Resource.
He calls himself the best sales trainer in all the world… I’ve always agreed.

I’ve read just about everything Jeffrey’s written in the past ten years. That’s why I was happy to find a new edition of the “Bible” in audio format on iTunes. I also bought the 45 minute presentation, “How Not to Suck at Sales” which is loaded with gems of wisdom.

If you’re into sales or selling of any kind,Jeffery is the best sales trainer there is. He’ll certainly help you put more in sales in your wallet than you do now. Just go to the iTunes store or Amazon if you’d like to learn more.

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How to Profit from Web Video

Dave Kaminski of the Web Video University just published a 24 page white paper on how to profit from web video.

In this report, he shares how to get top rankings in Google, viral traffic, what cameras to use,
three ways you can profit from web video right now, plus a lot more than I can mention here.

There’s no charge for the report. It contains no fluff, no filler, no sales pitches and no B.S.
But he’s only making it available for a short time.

To get your copy now, just click the link below.

Web Video Profits: http://www.cdzn.com/wvu

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Make AdWords as Comfortable as Slippers

Did you get the word from Perry Marshall? He’s starting a new bootcamp program for AdWords.
It’s a 30 day “summer school” and mentoring program, where you’ll come out the other side
fully prepared for battle… even if you’re just a beginner.

Perry said, “If you are less than 100% competent with AdWords – if you possess anything less than total confidence; if the very mention of ‘Google AdWords’ makes you nervous instead of putting a smile on your face; if you cannot “wear” Google like a comfortable pair of slippers or your favorite T-shirt…

Then it’s time to solve that problem RIGHT NOW.

Yep… Even If you’re just getting started.You’ll get personal guidance and advice about your Google campaigns from a world-class expert.(That’s Perry.)

And best of all, look at this, “If you do the homework and you don’t improve your Google
campaign performance by at least 30%, and increase your sales by at least 10K per year,
you’ll get every penny back.”

Now THAT’S confidence. So if you’re considering adding AdWords to your marketing, or need a
refresher course, take advantage of this offer.

Click: http://www.dynamicmedia.com/go/pmb.php

– – – –

There are Only Three (Million) Profitable Niches

Question: I just watched a video by (brand name guru) and he says there are only three niches that will produce profit on the web:business, dating and health/fitness. What’s your take on this?

Also, I know very little about affiliate marketing and have never done it. Can I be profitable with
Goobert using WordPress?

Answer: Yes, those are highly effective categories, but they’re also highly competitive.Your offer would need to shine like the North Star in a crowded night sky. That means getting good at PPC, SEO, all forms of marketing and the science of advertising.

You’ll also need to convert that traffic into paying customers. So unless you’ve got the sales
and persuasion skills, and the biz smarts, why join that fight?

Proclaiming such a statement, “there are only three niches that will produce profit on the web”
is stupid and irresponsible, no matter who said it.Perhaps those are the only markets they could succeed in.

Some of the most successful people that I’ve had the good fortune to teach, sold football (soccer) jerseys, music gear, bottled water,BBQ supplies, coins, collectibles, cleaning
supplies, restaurant equipment, disposable catering supplies, camping and fishing gear,
tickets, posters, die-cast replica cars, custom printing and even bird houses.

Brad, the guy with the birdhouses monetizes five ways. A downloadable ebook with the
blueprints. Shipping the kits, glue and all.Shipping the fully assembled and painted product. Videos on how to do the carpentry.And a private members site for bird watchers.

Last I heard, he was close to securing a distribution deal with a national hardware chain, selling the kits. He’s also teaming up with some kids clubs to promote the birdhouse kits as a family activity, so they can build them and sell the finished product to raise funds for club activities.

So next time some ostrich proclaims there’s only three profitable niches online, laugh in his
face. Something as simple an uncompetitive as bird houses has made a fortune for someone who’s good at woodworking, passionate about educating kids and teaching them bird watching.

(Did you like this question and answer? It’s an actual post from the Dynamic Media
Vault. If you want more just like it, come join us at; http://www.dynamicmedia.com/vault/
I look forward to “seeing you” inside.)

Oh right… back to the story…

Brad started as a Goobert customer. He graduated beyond that and is now an Elite member of my private site. He phones me once a week to bounce ideas off me before he makes any commitments.

Yes, Goobert is simple and effective. All it takes is basic hosting, a WordPress blog and about 30 minutes per day of your time. That’s it.

There is no PPC, SEO, or anything like that required. You simply subscribe to Google Alerts,
a few social bookmarking sites, and jump into conversations that are taking place.

You’ll be getting traffic within days. How you choose monetize it – like Brad and his birdhouses – is up to you.

Wishing you all the best for online success,

Michael Campbell


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Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.

The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.

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Michael Campbell

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.

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