‘It’s All About the Money’ by Ken McCarthy
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “It’s all about the money” [‘System 2009 Seminar’]
In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “It’s all about the money”.
People talk about it, worry about it, dream about it.
Today there are not not only TV shows devoted to it but also whole TV channels.
It’s a topic of endless interest – and it generates a lot of emotion.
Like most people, I’ve been fascinated by the subject of money too.
I’ve also had some very interesting experiences with it:
* I worked on Wall Street in the late 1980s and still have lot of friends who are part of that
* I’ve met and talked with four billionaires (Jim Clark, Marc Andreessen, James Barksdale
and Scott McNealy)
* I’ve been part of the Internet revolution since before Day One and have seen many fortunes
made and lost.
=== Here’s a secret about me…
For every book I own about marketing (and I have hundreds of them), I have a book about
I’ve never made a business of giving market advice,but occasionally I have shared insights –
publicly and in writing.
Like in 1994, when I recommended business owners and investors take the Internet seriously
Like in 1998, when I recommended that investors STOP taking the Internet so seriously.
Like in 2002, when I said the Internet was going to come back stronger than ever after the
dot com crash.
Every time, I was going against the flow in a big way.
If I were an investment advisor, these three calls alone would have been enough to put me in the Investor’s Hall of Fame.
=== But that’s just the tip of the iceberg
I’ve also issued occasional private market advisories to my System Club members.
Like in 2005 when I advised all System Club members to rethink what their business – and life – would be like if there were to be a sudden and drastic credit crunch – which I called “inevitable.”
Like in the spring of 2007, when I wrote that there was something profoundly wrong with the
real estate market and the party looked like it was over.
Like in August of 2008 when I flashed a red alert to get out of the stock market and make sure
you don’t have more than the FDIC limit in any one bank account.
“Crazy man” advice at the time it was given…
But I know several people for whom the 2008 stock warning alone saved six figures of hard earned life savings.
How did I know these things (or at least have a strong enough suspicion that I was willing to put it out there?
Hey, I’m going to be 50 years old this year and I’ve been paying attention to the financial markets like a hawk since I was 14.
If I hadn’t learned something by now I’d be in trouble.
Also, actually working on Wall Street and having friends there woke me up to the reality of the
place…it’s a glorified casino and everything the media says about it needs to be taken with several tons of salt.
=== So what does this have to do with you?
Almost every day I come across someone who has been massacred by bad money advice…
It both breaks me heart and p*sses me off.
Either they’ve been given bad Internet marketing advice, or they’ve been given bad investment advice or they’ve just never been given good advice about money – how to make it and how to KEEP it and grow it. (Notice the one word I put in caps.)
Because I can’t possibly fully explain one-on-one how money and wealth building works
to everyone who’s asked me, I decided to sit down and write down everything I know about it.
Now that the writing is done, I realize how valuable what I’ve produced is.
After all, what would unambiguous advice to get out of stocks in August of 2008 have been worth to some people?
I know… In one case $127,000. In another person’s case $384,000. And in both cases, their “broke”-ers fought them tooth and nail about going to cash.
=== So what should I charge for this thing?
A few hundred? A few thousand? Should I put on one of those $10,000 weekend deals for “insiders” only?
Here’s my plan…a very reasonable $195…UNLESS, you come and get it on Independence Day.
On July 4th – and that day only – it will be absolutely free.
No strings attached. No back end. No up sell.No baloney.
Then, on July 5th, it goes back to $195.00 which frankly is a world class bargain.
=== Why am I doing this?
Because I’m tired of seeing good people getting misled and blown up by the financial industry.
Whenever I turn on the financial news on TV I just have to shake my head and sigh.
Never has so much nonsense been spouted to so many about something that’s so important.
Why am I offering this on the 4th of July, Independence Day?
To make this important point…
The whole reason to be involved in the business of making money is to attain financial independence.
You can do it fast. You can do it slow. You can fail to do it.
It’s up to you – but it really helps if you know the right way to go about it.
There are actually five things you need to do to become financially independent – just five. But you need to do all five to make it work.
That’s it – and I guarantee you can buy every money-making course out there and less than 1 out of 1,000 will never lay it out for you as clearly as I do.
It’s surprisingly simple (not easy, but simple)…if you just know how – and it doesn’t matter what the economy is doing.
I’m calling my report the Independence Day Blueprint.
If you want it, go here:
See you on Independence Day!
Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.
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