‘Put Your Offer Near The Beginning’- ‘DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ Article
DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article titled “Put Your Offer Near The Beginning” is reprinted here. [eZine Article]
DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article is reprinted here.
Put Your Offer Near The Beginning
Ever see a web site or email that you can tell is selling something, but you have to read most of the letter to find out what they’re selling? If you read all the way to the end you are one of the few. Most people lose interest after the first few paragraphs.
Increase the effectiveness of your sales copy by putting your offer near the beginning. Tell people what you are selling, why they need it, and (in most cases) what it costs.
I know this flies in the face of what all the “get rich quick” sites are doing, but you’ll see this strategy used by every other major industry.
Prospects should have a good general grasp of your offer by the second or third paragraph.
This strategy not only works for sales letters but also for radio and TV commercials, even for voice mail messages.
Feel free to take several pages to go through your entire offer. Long sales copy can be very effective and certainly has its place. Briefly outline your offer near the beginning, then come
back to it in more detail later on in the copy.
About the Author
Kevin Nunley is the Net’s #1 copywriter. Thousands of businesses have relied on Kevin for quality sales letters, web site copy, ads, and press releases. You get sizzling copy in the style you need, fast service, and affordable prices that are hard to beat. And that makes YOU look GOOD. http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Dr. Kevin Nunley for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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