In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “Perry’s at it again…worth a serious look” [‘System 2009 Seminar’]

In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “Perry’s at it Again…Worth a Serious Look”.

The Internet gives marketers unprecedented leverage and power, but on the technical level it’s an ever-changing target.

…Which makes it nearly impossible to keep up with when you’re busy running a business.

Thank goodness there’s someone like Perry Marshall who does the hard work of keeping up with it all for us.

If Google AdWords is important to your business, you almost certainly know Perry’s work – but what you might now know is that he’s been hard at work to update his “Definitive Guide to Google AdWords.”


Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar

[email with the subject:Perry’s at it again…worth a serious look]

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.

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