In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “Oh yeah, then prove it!” [‘System 2009 Seminar’]

In his latest email Ken McCarthy talks on “Oh yeah, then prove it!”.

As my birthday approaches, it occurs to me the year I was born – 1959 – was the coolest year that ever was.

Before you dismiss this as delusional grandiosity, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

On the page below, in less than 200 words and with two short videos I found on YouTube,
I prove that 1959 was the coolest year ever.

Here’s the wager…

If you think you can come up with a cooler year, prove it!

The winner – if there is one – gets to sit with me and five of the five smartest Internet marketers I know for two days – for free.

May the best year win!



[email with the subject:Oh yeah, then prove it!]

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint this email.

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