James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Is Your Key Info Marketing Tool in Top Shape?”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Is Your Key Info Marketing Tool in Top Shape?

Reggie, my barber when I was young (and when I still had hair!), used to go on and on about the good old days. He even had a joke placard on his wall titled, “For Those of Us Born Before 1946…” It detailed pretty much the same things he talked about when you were in the chair, getting your hair cut. He went on about how ice cream used to be only ten cents, how cheap gas once was, and how the sanctity of marriage is yesterday’s news. It was funny to listen to Reg go on and on about whatever topic was on his mind. Sure, it was more of a rant than anything serious, but I liked to listen to what he had to say. He came from another time than I did and his stories were a highlight of many of my days.

But one thing that was not on the list and one thing I did not dare bring up around Reg was computers. He and his buddies scorned computers like they were an unholy product. They believed they caused more problems than they were worth, especially at places like the bank and with the government. When doomsday came, Reg was sure, computers would fail and cause global chaos.

Like I said, I took everything Reg said with a grain of salt. And now, computers, cell phones, and other new technological devices are an integral part of my personal and professional life, as they probably are of yours. That’s just the way that it is. And it isn’t bad — these things are tools that make our lives easier.

But like any tool, these items, especially computers, need to be upgraded, serviced and even replaced. Since you will use your computer a lot in info marketing, it’s going to take a beating.

Here are some tips on good computer care that I have learned over the years and will apply to you as an info marketer. While technology is ever improving, these are some good precautions to note and will be useful to you in your info marketing business.

— Reboot and “defrag:” A lot of guys I know leave their computers on all the time. These days, this isn’t so bad. It takes a lot of juice to start up your computer after you have shut it down. However, if you leave your computer on a long time, it is good to at least reboot it from time to time, as well as use the “disk defragment” program in your computer. This program deconstructs and rebuilds all the programs in your hard drive, while scanning for viruses. I usually leave my computer on and then shut it down after a 49-hour period. At the end of each week, I defrag everything. This helps my computer stay in check and should help yours as well.

— Get the best virus software available: When I worked in publishing, our in-house computer guy would come around once every six months with the latest software and install it on our computers. It was great and necessary to our publications. If a virus came in — they can come anywhere these days — and the whole system crashed, we were up a creek. While you may not have the luxury of an in-house computer tech, you can get good virus software and save yourself many potential headaches by getting it installed on your hard drive.

— Back up everything: When I say everything, I mean everything. Imagine being over halfway through your Nobel- Prize-worthy info book and your computer decides to up and crash on you. Never had it happen? Great. Lucky you. I have. And it stinks. Save everything you are working on both to your computer’s hard drive and to a moveable drive; i.e. one of those USB drives that fit onto your key chain. I am not like Reg in thinking the worst of computers. But I am a big believer that you should always take precautions, no matter how small. And this is one of the best precautions in information marketing.

— Go for upgrades: Unless you are the ultra-computer-savvy type, you are not going to keep ahead of all the advances in computer technology. These days, it’s next to impossible. That said, you can take your hard drive or laptop to a computer specialist; one who knows what upgrades you could use for your business and can outfit your computer with whatever updates it needs. Search around for this type of person as well as what programs you need to upgrade your computer with to make it that much more efficient for your info marketing business.

Computers are like any new tool and trend: they are to be utilized, not feared. Whether you get a new one for your business or have one that already works, keep it up to snuff with the right programs and upgrades to make your info marketing business better all the time. Remember: you need it for business. Reggie is just plain missing out!

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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