‘Improving ‘Glance Readership’ In Post Cards Part III’ by Jeffrey Dobkin
Jeffrey Dobkin’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “Improving “Glance Readership” In Post Cards Part III”. [Blog]
Jeffrey Dobkin’s guest articlet on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog:
Improving “Glance Readership” In Post Cards Part III
Jeffrey says, “Let’s see, where were we… oh yes, you were bitching, er… complaining that your post card wasn’t long enough to sell your products, and I said you’re right ““ it isn’t. The ONLY job of the post card is to make the reader pick up the phone and call YOU, then YOU sell your products. To do that, offer something FREE”.
Improving “Glance Readership” In Post Cards Part III
Marketing for Success
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