‘Why Social Media Creates Fear, Terror, Panic And What To Do About It’ by Rachel Minihan
Rachel Minihan’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “Why Social Media Creates Fear, Terror, Panic And What To Do About It”. [Blog]
Rachel Minihan’s guest articlet on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog:
Why Social Media Creates Fear, Terror, Panic And What To Do About It
Rachel says, “Fear, terror, panic . . . call it what you will, but this look slinks onto people’s faces as I talk with them about opening up their businesses and/or themselves to the world at large via social media outlets. The reaction isn’t surprising since new things are often scary with “what ifs” swirling around in your mind”.
Why Social Media Creates Fear, Terror, Panic And What To Do About It
Marketing for Success
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