Robert A. Kearse’s latest article is titled “Link Popularity – How To Ask For Extremely Valuable Backlinks”. [Article]

Robert A. Kearse’s latest article:

Link Popularity – How To Ask For Extremely Valuable Backlinks

Robert says, “How To Find Highly Relevant Web Sites And Seek A Backlink

Your goal should be exceedingly simple:

Find Web sites that are highly relevant to your own sitesâ content and request a link to your blog or Web site.

The best process to reach that goal, however is not so simple.

I read an extremely powerful article, 21 Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Queries, on the blog, search engine land.

Title translation:21 experienced link popularity gurus share sophisticated techniques for how to find sites highly relevant to your own blog and how to ask for a backlink (and what you should have in place before you ask”.

Link Popularity – How To Ask For Extremely Valuable Backlinks

*This news post was submitted by Robert A. Kearse.

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