‘Social Marketing Tips To Build Your Home Based Business Online’ by Pasi Kaarakainen
Pasi Kaarakainen’s latest article is titled “Social Marketing Tips To Build Your Home Based Business Online”. [Article]
Pasi Kaarakainen’s latest article:
Social Marketing Tips To Build Your Home Based Business Online
Social marketing is becoming more and more popular for internet entrepreneurs to promote their home based business online. Of course you should use several different forms of advertising and marketing with your business but social marketing is definitely one that you cannot afford to underestimate. This form of marketing can be used in various ways. Let’s talk about some of the most efficient and popular ones people are using.
1. Start a blog of your and host it yourself. Even if you choose to join Blogger.com, which is owned by Google, you should host it yourself. You want to be in control in every possible ways with your online business.
If you use a free blogging platform you lose control. For this reason hosting your own blog is important.
2. After setting up a blog, you should bookmark every blog posts you make to several different social directories such as Digg, Stumbleupon, Technorati, and so on. A good way to do this is to use OnlyWire.com and bookmark to multiple directories with one click.
Social directories are a great way to drive traffic to your blog and can be good search engine bait.
3. Join a couple of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This is an excellent way to create contacts and make your business known.
You can update your Facebook page and make Twitter micro blog posts through Onlywire.com as well. One thing you want to avoid is posting useless information. You can have a lot of fun doing social networking but you can also build your home based online business if you use this tool correctly.
4. Add videos to your blog by getting relevant video code from YouTube. You can do that just simply embedding the code straight to your post and give something interesting information to your visitors that way. You can also shoot your own videos which your visitors will find interesting as well.
5. Make your blog more interactive by allowing visitors to post comments. As a matter of fact you should encourage people to comment on your blog articles. This is a great way for you to interact with them and to get them coming back to your blog to post additional comments.
6. Offer some kind of contests to your visitors and create excitement on your blog. Give away a prize or something worthwhile a person would want to participate in the contest for.
This is six ways to use social marketing to build your home based business online. Social marketing is a powerful form of building quality traffic.
About the Author
Social marketing is only one way to build your home based business online. Visit Pasi Kaarakainen’s home business website to find more ideas how to create successful business on the internet ==> http://www.WealthatHomer.com
*This news post was submitted by Pasi Kaarakainen.
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