Ron Legrand is hosting ‘Dotcom Summit 2010’, a 3 day Internet Marketing training program which will be held in Orlando, FL on 26-28, 2010. The keynote speakers include: Keith Wellman, Chris Guerriro, Greg Cesar, Ted Ciuba, Mari Smith and PJ Van Hulle. [‘Dotcom Summit 2010’]

Ron Legrand is hosting ‘Dotcom Summit 2010’, a 3 day Internet Marketing training program which will be held in Orlando, FL on 26-28, 2010.

The keynote speakers include: Keith Wellman, Chris Guerriro, Greg Cesar, Ted Ciuba, Mari Smith and PJ Van Hulle.

Ron says, “Here’s some of the agenda…

– Where to begin. The multiple ways to make big money on the internet. How to choose what appeals to you and what it’s worth to you.

– How to profit with no product of your own and make $1,000 a week in your pajamas.

– How to acquire products for free and turn them into cash within 33 days.

– How to turn your hobby into a business and make money from what you love doing.

– How to start and run continuity programs where hundreds, maybe thousands pay you $29.95 to $197 every month and have it all delivered by others with no work on your part. This can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams and is truly the definition of passive income.”

For complete information and to register for this conference, visit ‘Dotcom Summit 2010’

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