‘Traffic Secrets’ Is Back!’ by John Reese
In his latest email John Reese talks on “Traffic Secrets’ Is Back!” [‘Traffic Secrets’]
In his latest email John Reese talks on “Traffic Secrets’ Is Back!”.
John says , “Many have wondered why “Traffic Secrets” has been off the market for several months…
Our office has received a ton of emails and phone calls asking (for months) when the course would be available again.
Here’s why it was taken off the market for several months…
It’s because we’ve been in the process of converting the massive course into a Digital Teaching Platform.
“Traffic Secrets” will now be an all-digital interactive course that’s accessed online.
We did this for three reasons…
1. So the course could be more easily updated on-the-fly without having to remake CDs and reprint manuals and hand-outs.
2. So we can track our students’ progress and see which lessons they may or may not be getting ‘stuck’ on.
3. To make the course more affordable so more business owners could benefit from it.
I have some ‘good’ news and some ‘bad’ news to share…
If you’re one of those people that have been anxiously wanting to get “Traffic Secrets 2.0” then
I have some good news…
In a matter of days, we’ll be releasing this new online-based version of the course.
AND… anyone that buys this new online version (or previous owners of version 2.0) will get
“Traffic Secrets 2.5” (due out this summer) absolutely free.
We’ll simply be modifying the online teaching platform so all previous owners will see the updated lessons automatically.
* If you are an existing “Traffic Secrets 2.0” owner you will be sent a login for the online teaching platform in the coming weeks; which will give you access to any future versions as well.
Now for some ‘bad’ news…
We’re only going to release the new Traffic Secrets 2.0 Digital course to a maximum of 200
people – at least for the first couple of months.
Certainly we could release it to 500 people or more but I want to make sure that this new teaching platform (Flash-based) is not going to have any major issues.
The other reason is because I want our affiliate partners to be able to promote the course
on a regular basis again, but I don’t want partners sending a ton of traffic only for us to have problems with the new system.
So we’re testing it first to a small group of customers (that we’re going to ask for feedback.) And we’ll do more of a major roll-out in a couple of months or so from now.
As for the PRICE question…
Traffic Secrets 1.0 was $997.
Traffic Secrets 2.0 was $397 upon its release as we wanted more people to be able to afford it.
And now the new Traffic Secrets 2.0 Digital is going to be just $297.
* Buyers of the new version will not only get this summer’s 2.5 update, but will also get access to version 1.0 of the course as a bonus — there’s still a lot of great strategies and techniques that are very effective from that initial 1.0 version. (And it covered a lot that’s not found in 2.0.)
I’ll be in touch soon with a video tutorial where I’m anxious to show you the new online
teaching platform.
I’ll also let you know when it’s available for the 200 spots –I’ll give you at least a one day
“heads up” so you can plan for it since the 200 will be made available on a first come, first
served basis.
TONS of new stuff on the way in the next 45 days! 🙂
I’ll be in touch soon.”
John Reese
[email with the subject:’Traffic Secrets’ Is Back!”.]*IMNewsWatch would like to thank John Reese for granting permission to reprint this email.
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