Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “The “Fascinating” World of Oprah: How to Sell the Queen of Talk”. [‘Profitable Campaigns’ Article]

Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article:

The “Fascinating” World of Oprah: How to Sell the Queen of Talk

by Paul Maxey

Dear Business-Builder,


As a copywriter, you either love “˜em or hate “˜em.

They either roll off your fingertips with ease or you force them out with all the grace of a sumo wrestler in a speedo.

Sooner or later, though, you MUST face the facts:

If you have any hopes of becoming a successful, highly paid copywriter, you’d better learn how to write powerful, intriguing, mouth-watering bullets and fascinations!

They’re so critical that many of the world’s highest-paid copywriters begin their promotions by writing hundreds of them.

Million-dollar copywriter Parris Lampropoulos is well-known for his propensity for writing as many as 700 fascinations every time he sits down to write a new promotion!

That’s because there’s no better way to get your creative juices flowing … unearth the best benefits that your product has to offer … and come up with a veritable cornucopia of fantastic headline ideas.

That said, one of the undisputed heavyweight champions of the world when it comes to bullet writing is Carline Anglade-Cole. And she proves it in spades in this week’s Swipe of the Week.

The best bullets and fascinations make
your copy impossible to ignore!

Carline defines a bullet as “a mini headline followed by strong supporting sentence aimed to tease and entice your prospect.”

No matter how you define them, the best bullets and fascinations are typically those that …

– Seize your prospect’s attention …
– Stimulate irresistible curiosity and intrigue …
– Seduce your prospect to read, read, READ!
– Build desire by creating the urge to “know” the secret your bullet promises to reveal …
– Make your copy more readable (which always boosts response!) …
– Infuse your copy with variety and prevent the disastrous “flat” benefit syndrome …
– And much, much more!

Plus, as Carline proves with this week’s swipe for The Oprah Magazine, bullets and fascinations also provide another distinct advantage: They can make your copy an absolute delight to read.

And keeping your prospect reading your promotion all the way through to the end is, perhaps, the ultimate challenge for any copywriter!

As Clayton has stated before in these pages, writing great fascinations is an art form demanding a great eye, well-developed skill and tremendous creativity.

But the payoff is well worth the blood and sweat that goes into mastering the art of writing powerful fascinations …

And can do more to advance your career ““ and ensure your place among the masters ““ than almost anything else!

So download this week’s swipe now … discover how one master does it … and practice, practice, practice until you can write powerful and intriguing copy faster than a speeding …

Well, you know the rest.

Until next time …

Yours for kick-butt profits!

Paul Maxey

Makepeace “Copy Cub”


Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package. To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and claim four FREE money making e-books go to

The Total Package

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Clayton Makepeace for granting permission to reprint this article.

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