James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Taking Your Online Content into the Offline World”. [‘Online Content’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Taking Your Online Content into the Offline World

As often as you’ll hear, “Print is dead” you’ll also see people still browsing and buying at book stores. Magazines do not post all of their articles, with the intention that the reader will go buy the whole magazine based on what they read briefly online. Comics are still coming out on newsstands.

Interestingly, digital and print formats actually cohabitate well together these days. After working in a publishing house for a few years, I actually got to see firsthand how publishing in print has graduated from old lead-and-ink to digital systems. Computers are used to help develop print products with easier techniques and facilities.

There’s no doubt that the Web and digital formats have or will serve you well as an info marketer by themselves. But perhaps you’ve reached that point where you want your product to go off the screen and into people’s hands with a nice, well-constructed print info book. It can be a lucrative avenue to take. But it requires a little planning. Here are some tips for going down the print avenue of info marketing:

— Edit the content: In the aforementioned publishing house I worked in, it was easy to fix content errors if you worked in the online department. If your stuff was released live and someone saw a problem, you could go into the content, re-edit it, and then re-release it online. Print material is different. Once you send your stuff off to the publisher’s, it’s more or less cast in stone. That said, your content has to be 100% grammar-and-spelling-error-free. This isn’t a bad skill to learn in the end, as you develop good editing skills for your content, print or

— Do the layouts: Good print products are often the result of a good layout. Once your content is all edited up, it’s important to do take the galleys of your work and come up with a scheme
of how it’s going to look in its print form. What typeset you are going to use, what paper is to be used for printing, what the cover will look like, and what references to include are all necessary considerations to make. It’s here that I also recommend picking a select group of graphics and colors for your product as well. You don’t want a lot or anything too flashy; just some strong but simple visual elements to grab the reader’s eye.

— Get the online material formatted: Before your stuff can be printed, all of your content has to be tagged with appropriate online tagging. Since all of your content is going to be printed off of a digital format, your content has to be tagged with some sort of online markup. Back in the early days of digital publishing, HTML was the most popular. These days, SGML, XML and XSL are becoming more popular, as more content can be tagged faster. Speak with your publisher to see what is needed. If you have no experience with tagging, consult an online editor or the publisher to see how to do it.

— Get a good publisher: With the above in mind, you should also shop around for a good publisher. With availability of home-based digital publishing systems, the competition for
publishing is pretty high. You have to see what publishers are around, what specific systems they use, and what you can afford. Take your time doing this and find the publisher that can meet your print requirements and not empty your wallet in the process.

Print publishing for info marketing is a tough process, no question. You really have to work hard to create a product your clients will love. But if you take the right steps to create one, you can see success come in right from a printed page.

e-Wealth Daily

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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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