Michael Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Three Ways to Get What You Want Now”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

Michael Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Three Ways to Get What You Want Now

Achieving success in business and getting what you want in life require the use of a number of different skill sets. They range from knowing how to adapt to different market situations right down to crunching the numbers to make sure you can maximize every penny. Of course, every aspect of your business must run smoothly to achieve success, and there are some skills that should be held with higher regard than others. One of these skills is the art of negotiation.

Being a quality negotiator gives you the ability to get what you need at the price you like, while building contact lists and relationships. So, as you can see, the impact of successful negotiating is multi-faceted.

Of course, not everyone has a natural ability to negotiate. I sure didn’t. In fact, I used to be a terrible negotiator, but I was able to learn a few tricks to increase my success. Here are some of the tricks I’ve learned over the years to bring me the things I want.

— Know what your customer wants: Knowing what your customer/counterpart wants is just as important as knowing what you want. This way, you have an idea of what you may have to give up to get what you want. Now, remember: to be a successful negotiator, you must be flexible; otherwise you’ll find it difficult to grow.

— Ask for more than you intend to get: If you’re negotiating the price of an item or a service, always ask for more than you intend to get. This way, your counterpart may surprise you and give the green light. If not, it will open the floor to negotiations, usually with favorable results. If you come straight out with the price you were looking for, you may end up getting less.

— Throw things in: Sometimes you can get greater value out of your negotiations if you add things to increase the value of what you’re offering, especially if they are of little cost to you. For instance, let’s say you’re a copywriter and you’re asking a high price from a particular client…one that they may initially balk at. Well, in order to get what you want, perhaps promise to add another element to your work…maybe design or some other ideas. If they’re still a no-go, then consider dropping the price, but ask them to commit to a three-piece deal. Either way, you’ll be getting more money than you’d anticipated, plus guaranteed future income.

You can get most of the things you want from life through negotiation, believe me. I once saw a friend negotiate a large, fresh deluxe pizza for five gourmet chocolate bars, because he was able to convince the storeowner that a pizza would be a small price to pay for the smile on his wife’s face when she saw the chocolate!

e-Wealth Daily

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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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