James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Help for Hammering Out Your Next Info Product”. [‘Information Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Help for Hammering Out Your Next Info Product

Information marketing is a composite business. You get to do a lot of different things — researching, handling business, interacting with different people. It’s pretty multifaceted and seldom gets boring or banal compared to some other jobs.

Arguably, the best part, aside from collecting hefty payments, is creating your information material. Seriously, what better way to make a career than sitting in a home office, hammering out info on something you know a lot about, with a coffee beside you? You get to flex your creative muscles and earn a living my exposing them to the world.

Some info products are easier than others. Big books require more time and care to prepare. They are fun to make, but cumbersome. On the other hand, writing info articles on a regular basis is much more of a steady and stress free gig. You can build on info gradually — one piece at a time — and it only takes a short amount of time to complete.

Thanks to digital media and the Web, you can get also get your info marketing materials out in article form very quickly. Info marketing articles come right to your clients’ inboxes, give them a brief story about something related to your info topic, and provide them with the necessary info they crave. It’s fast, fun, and easy for everyone.

Of course, problems do occur for info marketers when coming up with good articles. Actually, quite a few problems. These problems can be avoided, and here’s a list that can help you prevent them from happening:

— Do them first thing: Most people tend to be energized in the morning. After lunch, they tend to slow down and get tired. To my mind, it’s best to do your info marketing article writing on the computer first thing in the morning. Your mind is looser and what you want to say comes from your mind to your fingertips faster. Keep a schedule of when you are going to do them and stick to it so your deadlines are continually met.

— Do a batch: Like you, I’ve often had deadlines. Even at e-Wealth Daily, I have to get my material in at a particular time for it to be sent out on schedule. From that I can recommend, after you’ve got in the regular habit of writing articles, to do one or two at a time. If possible, do more. You can stay ahead of schedule and will not get stressed out later on.

— Write, edit, write, edit: Once you’ve sat down and started to go, it’s best to have a topic to write about. Stay on that topic and allow yourself a good one to two pages to write about that topic. Keep your writing simple, stick to the point, and edit as you go. Have an introduction and a conclusion and, once you are done, edit the whole article in its entirety. Check your spelling AND grammar. In fact, the last button you should press is F7 on your computer’s keyboard. This is the spelling and grammar check on most digital document programs, and it will help you catch any loose errors you may have.

— Save and back up, always: This should automatic, but it’s worth reminding you about. Computers often, like people, act up and/or get sick. In a word, they “crash.” As you write, save every paragraph — you can do this quickly by hitting CTRL + S on your keyboard. Save all your files on both your hard drive and on a USB stick. Also make sure your computer virus program is working every week. If bad stuff gets into your hard drive, that nice batch of articles you have been writing could be lost forever.

— Send them out on time: As I mentioned earlier, it’s good to stick to a schedule. Clients will know when their articles are coming. Once your content is finished, add whatever graphics you have, if any, and then shoot them out on your mailing list at the same time every day. Sometimes the Internet is slow or your server will decide to break down, in which case you might have to send your articles later. But work towards staying on time when sending out your articles. Your customers will appreciate it as they would a new film release or upcoming special event.

Part of the enjoyment of info marketing article creation is the discipline involved with them. Once you become a regular article creator, your performance as an info marketer will shine through to the public. They will appreciate your discipline, your info, and your articles. And they’ll pay for them, too!

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this


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