John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Help for Quitting the 9-to-5 Nightmare”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Help for Quitting the 9-to-5 Nightmare

Quitting your 9-to-5 nightmare and moving into the world of entrepreneurship can be just as exciting as it can be intimidating.

At times, it can feel like you’re removing the safety net and walking a tightrope with all eyes on you. And while there certainly are risks involved, surrounding yourself with the right people can help lessen the risk and even open up new safety nets for you.

Let me explain.

At your 9-to-5 job, you may have felt like the bottom rung on a 10-story ladder. But at least being a part of the overall ladder offered some form of support (as little as it may have been).

The trick, then, when venturing out on your own, is to create a brand-new ladder, where each rung helps support your overall efforts.

And you can start assembling your ladder by networking with people who you believe can help you along the way. These could be inventors, bankers, investors and local entrepreneurs who have been there before.

The key is to be open and confident when meeting new people. You have a great idea and you want them to get just as excited to help you.

And keeping up their excitement over time is an important aspect to consider. You want to share without sounding like you are hounding them for advice and help.

Here, then, are three tips you can use to improve your networking after making the first contact:

1. Send out a personal “thank you.” While a follow-up call or an e-mail is a nice gesture, neither of these is very permanent. So instead send out a thank-you card that does double duty. A card says you’re sincerely thankful and took the time to fill this out and send it to your new contact. It also becomes something tangible your new contacts will have that they can use to contact you. So make sure you include all of your contact details and an invitation to meet or discuss something in the future.

2. Record the details of your new contacts. Write down everything you can. Just names, numbers and addresses certainly aren’t enough. Write down what you discussed, as well as other points that may help both of you down the line. If your new contact mentioned something they are interested in, make a note of it. It could be a great opening topic for when you contact them next.

3. Don’t always contact them when you need something. Everyone has a friend or relative like this. You only ever hear from them when they need help. So don’t be that friend. To keep your connection in tune, reach out to your contacts and even offer them some advice, whether it’s simply a new restaurant you thought they may like or a recent article about a related business.

Keep these three points in mind while building your personal network ladder and you’ll be able to create strong rungs capable of offering you support when you need it most.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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