‘The Simplest Way To Make $100,000+ As An Affiliate’ by Marlon Sanders
Marlon Sanders has released the latest issue of ‘Marketing Minute’. The featured article is titled “The Simplest Way To Make $100,000+ As An Affiliate”. [Article]
Marlon Sanders’ latest article:
The Simplest Way To Make $100,000+ As An Affiliate
You’re reading this issue because you want to make $100,000 as an affiliate, am I right?
There are several things appealing to you about this:
1. $100,000 is more than you make at your job.
2. Being an affiliate means you don’t have to think much, create anything, handle customer service or pay affiliates.
How awesome is that?
3. It’s SIMPLE.
Who doesn’t WANT a simple way to snag $100,000?
Notice it doesn’t say a 21-step plan to get the $100,000. Or 33 steps. By implication, if there are 33 steps, it isn’t exactly simple.
No bucko. It says SIMPLE.
That’s a great articulation of what I call a Value Proposition.
Now, you want to know HOW I knew that you would read this article?
The War Room.
That’s right. The War Room. What’s the War Room you ask?
Well, it’s my SECRET research site that shows me what people read who are serious about Internet marketing. It’s at Warriorforum.comm and you pay I think 20 bucks or some ridiculously small amount of a lifetime membership.
Anyway, exactly 52,701 people have VIEWED the article posted there with this subject line AND 908 people have commented on it.
This blows away the next closest thread with 30,902 views and 1075 replies. Chris Rempel came up with that headline for his post about his Conduit Method for promoting affiliate programs.
By the way, the #2 contender subject line reads:
Domain Flipping Success — A Proven 12-Step Action Plan
Now, compare something here:
Headline #1: “The Simplest Way To X”
Headline #2: “A Proven 12-Step Action Plan”
Would you rather have “the simplest way” or a “12-step
action plan?”
Exactly 21,799 MORE people were interested in “the simplest way” than were interested in “a proven 12-step action plan.”
Action implies taking action which implies WORK. Having said that, the headline was the #2 contender and props to Gene Pimentel for coming up with it.
Headline #3 says:
Google Traffic Loophole: Hot Niches In Under 3 Seconds + EZA Success Spying
Exactly 24,533 have viewed that thread and 364 have replied.
Jack Duncan wrote that. And Jack has a talent for great headlines.
How YOU Can Use This Info
What is the COMMON element between headline #1 and headline #3?
Notice that headline #1 promises “the simplest way”…. and headline #3 promises “Hot niches in under 3 seconds”.
Both of those headlines have a common denominator — simple and/or fast.
How complicated can it be if you can do it in under 3 seconds?
In fact, those headlines are so powerful and so amazing, right this very second, that you have to be aware and focus right here to keep your attention on this article instead of getting sucked into the headlines!
That’s how powerful a great headline is.
But here’s the POINT of this article:
In case you haven’t figured it out by now, this article isn’t going to show you how to make 100 G’s as an affiliate. At least, not directly.
First of all, if you have NOT read this ezine article from several weeks ago, do that after you finish today’s article:
From Scratch To 50 G’s?
That gives you MY plan for going from scratch to 50 G’s — potentially, of course. No guarantees since we both live in the real world where uncertainty and change abound.
The REAL secret of the 100 G’s is ALL revealed in the headline.
Here’s a guy, Chris Rempel, who can pen a headline that beats out 100’s of other posts, gets itself READ and responded to like crazy.
I submit to you THAT is the real secret right there.
If you can do THAT, then you have the keys to the kingdom. And at this point, some of the folks who have been around awhile are saying, “OK Marlon. So you’re writing again about headlines. Same old, same old.”
This article actually is NOT about headlines.
The headline ONLY encapsulates a much larger idea. A headline simply articulates an idea. That’s all it does.
And we see THREE key ideas in the above headlines:
Idea #1: SIMPLE
People love simple ideas and concepts. My pal and marketer extraordinaire Jason Fladlien did headline tests where he tested
3 to 6 steps vs. ONE step.
Believe it or freaking not, ONE step outpulls 3 steps! That’s how powerful this insight is and how much people are addicted to simple.
Idea #2: Fast
Jack’s headline at #3 used “hot niches in 3 seconds”. People can’t get enough of FAST.
Fast. Fast. Fast.
That’s why you eat fast food.
Idea #3: Proven
Headline #2 used the word PROVEN.
“A Proven 12-Step Action Plan.”
People want something that is proven. But NOT as much as they
want something simple and fast.
But Wait, There’s More!
“Well Marlon, I thought you said this wasn’t an article about headlines. I already KNOW ’bout speed and simple. Splain to me somethin’ I don’t know.”
I’ll explain it this way. Pretend you’re playing a video Game and there are levels.
Level one: Write headlines
The best headline wins. But if you write a bunch of headlines all
based on one idea, you don’t get that far.
Level two: Use simple, fast, proven ideas
Yep, try simple, fast, proven IDEAS that go beyond mere headlines.
Level three: Use the best idea
Now we get down to the real heart of this article.
It isn’t about headlines.
It isn’t about just using the power words simple, fast or proven.
It’s about this:
The best idea vs. the alternatives wins.
So in a forum you have hundreds of subject lines that all encapsulate
By sorting by the views and replies, you can SEE the most powerful ideas va. all the OTHER ideas.
But the number of REPLIES tells you how powerful the actual idea is and how much it hooked the readers.
The best idea VERSUS the alternatives WINS in the long term, assuming the idea is articulated and promoted to the intended customer.
This is what I call “The Value Proposition.”
And I have a whole entire video on my blog you can watch about it.
It’s the Quick Start Webinar for my 6-Week Round Table that cranks
up next week:
You’ll get a very FAST education in marketing just by watching
this webinar:
What Difference Does It Make To You?
Here’s what this means TO YOU….
Imagine being able to stroll into virtually any target market and
within MINUTES be able to create an IDEA that you know will sell.
See, the idea = Value Proposition.
Remember the 3 Game Levels?
Game level 1: Headline
Game level 2: Simple, fast, proven ideas
Game level 3: The best idea vs. alternatives
If you play the Game at level 3, you have a big advantage over people playing the Game at levels 1 and 2.
Do you want an advantage?
Or do you want to get whipped by people playing the Game at level
3 while you are back there using Tested Advertising Methods on Level One?
You don’t sell in a vacuum.
You sell vs. other alternatives the buyers have.
You live in a world of alternative experiences available to consumers.
Once you understand and gain practice in Game Level 3 material, you can stroll into any market and create winning ideas literally in minutes.
But if you get nothing else out of today’s ezine, then at least up your Game play from Level One to Level Two.
Intead of banging away with headlines all written on the same Formula, go to Level Two and ask yourself if you have inserted simple, fast, proven elements into your headlines and your basic idea you’re
You don’t sell products.
You don’t sell services.
You sell ideas.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy.”
To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without all the hype, go to: http://www.marlonsnews.com and subscribe
Check out all my products here:
Marlon’s Marketing Minute
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Marlon Sanders for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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