Greg Schmidt’s latest article is titled “Why Home Business Owners of MLM Companies Are Killing Themselves! “. [Article]

Greg Schmidt’s latest article:

Why Home Business Owners of MLM Companies Are Killing Themselves!

Last week my wife ask me to go to a presentation on what we thought was about a skin care line that my wife was interested in incorporating in her business. She is an estitician, you know facials and waxing. I said OK. My wife was interested and I was going to show her my support.

We walk in the door and there is 3 people meeting us at this hotel conference room. One shaking our hands while one is putting a name tag on our shirts and the other making sure we write down our phone number, address, date of birth, our pets name, back account number, what our favorite color is etc. OK, I may be exaggerating about the last few.

As soon as we walked in the room, I see bottles of pills, juices, packets of powder and very few skin care products. The person who invited us saved us a front row seat!! Wow, thanks! So I had to sit through the presentation with a karaoke machine speaker in my face!

UGGG!! What did my wife just do to me?? Another hotel party?? We both thought we were going to hear about a skin care product line!!

About 5 minutes into the presentation, quite a bit of hooting and hollering started. It kind of woke me up a little bit. Soon I found out that these people were already in the business. The rest – were getting tortured!! No one in the room had any excitement to be there!

When the presentation was over, EVERYONE took a plateful of food and left. My wife and I got stuck only to be cornered by 4 different representatives. I mean CORNERED and pressured to join and sell a bunch of products that we had no interest in. Oh yeah, there was NO mention of the skin care products!!

Here’s why Home Business owners of MLM companies are killing themselves:

They drag uninterested people to a presentation that very few want to be apart of.

They build up some hype 30 days out before the hotel party takes place to bring in as many people without providing any “Buzz worthy” information first. Everyone left! Meaning NO ONE from the company made any money that night!

They tell prospects that “they HAVE to do this” “this is the greatest opportunity”. Come on!! Anyone heard of Attraction Marketing? I don’t “HAVE TO DO THIS!”

Make your list of your best friends and we’ll “pitch” the hell out of them!

They have NO Idea of the “new school” ways of marketing themselves and some may be reluctant to change only because of the instruction of the upline sponsor.

Here’s what they could have done RIGHT:

There were about 8 distributors and 2 presenters there that night that represented the company. The room had about 40 total people. Which means about 5 people per distributor. I’m sorry, but to maximize profits in one night, you need a LOT more than just 5 people!! These distributors needed to get at least double or triple that number to see some decent results!

The home business owners of this MLM company should give information out weeks BEFORE the presentation takes place to spark some interest, so when people walk through the hotel door, they know what’s coming! Not “just show up and we’ll answer all the questions.” They will be more likely to buy and the ones that aren’t interested, will stay home!

MLM company hotel parties need to treat that one night as their “launch” to their new prospects. Build up a ton of interest and buzz, offer a one time discount to get started that night and make a lot more money up front!! The night we were there, everyone left! Which means they didn’t make any money that night and have to pay for room rental and the provided food!

How much sense does that make? MLM companies and the business owners are killing themselves!! I asked the “head lady” what kind of internet marketing system they have in place to attract people to their websites to make orders without talking to anyone.

She said that they have a website. That’s it? A self replicating website with the distributors name way up in the right corner that you can barely see and the ONLY people that were going to purchase were existing members? She didn’t have the slightest clue what I was talking about!

I tried to explain to her what i nternet marketing was all about and sadly she didn’t quite understand. But I will congratulate her on her enthusiam and passion for what she is doing. I just think there is some things that can be implemented for these types of MLM companies to become more profitable!

I thought about directing her to the MLM Letter, but I didn’t want to steal her thunder on her night to “shine”

Implementation of the “new school” ways techniques will prevent home business owners of MLM companies from killing themselves!

Home and Hotel parties are not the future and some of us already know that. Internet Marketing with the proper strategies and education will allow MLM companies to become more profitable and prosperous!

I appreciate your time to educate you,

Greg Schmidt

Greg Schmidt is an internet marketer and home business educator that teaches home business owners in the MLM industry to implement new ways and strategies to their home business to increase profits and to maximize distributor continuance. Access more information on this topic at

*This news post was submitted by Greg Schmidt.

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