Kristi Sayles Interviewing Ken McArthur on ‘Mentored by Millionaires’ August 2
Kristi Sayles, host of the ‘World Talk Radio’ show, ‘Mentored by Millionaires’ will be interviewing Ken McArthur on Monday, August 2 at 8.00 pm EST. Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs and is the creator of and the world famous JValert seminars. [Kristi Sayles Interviewing Ken McArthur]
Kristi Sayles, host of the ‘World Talk Radio’ show, ‘Mentored by Millionaires’ will be interviewing Ken McArthur on Monday, August 2 at 8.00 pm EST.
Ken McArthur is the author of Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World.
Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs and is the creator of and the world famous JValert seminars.
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Kristi Sayles’ Interview with Ken McArthur on ‘Mentored by Millionaires’ August 2
*This news post was submitted by Kristi Sayles.
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