John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Five Simple Triggers to Help Bring You More Money”. [‘Making More Money’ Article]

John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Five Simple Triggers to Help Bring You More Money

When talking with upstart entrepreneurs, they often share with me a common problem that keeps them from turning their idea into a real success.

You see, once they’ve come up with their product and service and they’ve done the research to determine their ideal market, they just can’t seem to get to the next step of actually making sales.

I tell them that they are on the right track and, before they go and change anything, I ask them to share with me exactly how they are trying to reach their customers.

Now, each product and service is unique to its market. But the most common reply I get is that after they’ve done all their research, made their product, and are in the public sphere, they simply can’t turn browsers into buyers.

My next question is almost always the same: “What is your sales strategy?”

While many of them have advertising of some form, detailed brochures, and other promotional materials, a lot of them are missing one big customer-grabbing factor.

And that factor is using an honest and sincere sales pitch that engages the customer.

For example, if you’re wandering through a flea market and a product catches your eye, you may stop for a minute and check it out.

Now, unless you’re really interested in what you’re looking at, you’re likely to just give it a quick look over and then take off on your way.

Here’s where a dynamic sales pitch is essential, especially if the product is something that isn’t well-known or is completely brand new.

So, how do you create a great sales pitch even if you’re not a very good public speaker? Well, there are five things you can use to really help win your customer over.

Those five things are the body’s senses. Let me explain:

Sight: Not only is it important that your potential customer is able to see your product; but also, if possible, they’ll want to see it in action. So do a demonstration. If you can’t, then make sure to use words that call the sense of sight to action, such as “look here” or “see this.”

Sound: This is where you’re going to have to prove your enthusiasm for your product. You see, a brochure can help explain what you’re selling, but talking one-to-one can really help sell it. You can even use words that further emphasize sound by saying things like “listen here.”

Touch: A lot of people are very tactile and like to grab hold of a product and get a feel for it. So, during your sales pitch, use action words that appeal to the sense of touch, such as “feel this” or “as smooth as butter.”

The other two senses — taste and smell — can also be evoked simply using your words, even if there is no way for the customer to actually taste or smell your product.

While you may not be able to trigger all five senses, using as many as you can will help you reach customers on a personal level.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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