Ken McArthur’s ‘jvAlert Live!’ Event, September 24-26 Denver, CO
Ken McArthur is holding ‘jvAlert Live!’ event on September 24-26 in Denver, CO. Key speakers of this event are Ken McArthur, Joel Comm, Rick Raddatz, Ray Edwards, Rick Butts, Scott Paton, Frank Sousa, Chris Moos, Chris Moos, Daven Michaels, Jack Zufelt, Larry Steinhouse, Joey Montez, Dan Nickerson, Nathan Segal, Wendi Friesen and Nick Dalton. [‘jvAlert Live!’ Denver, CO]
Ken McArthur is holding ‘jvAlert Live!’ event on September 24-26 in Denver, CO.
“We are Announcing Speakers One at a Time, But Here Are Just a Few of the People Already Announced, Committed and Definitely Coming to Denver …
Spend ONE-ON-ONE Time With People You Can’t Even Talk to At Those Huge Marketing Conferences”
Key speakers of this event are Ken McArthur, Joel Comm, Rick Raddatz, Ray Edwards, Rick Butts, Scott Paton, Frank Sousa, Chris Moos, Chris Moos, Daven Michaels, Jack Zufelt, Larry Steinhouse, Joey Montez, Dan Nickerson, Nathan Segal, Wendi Friesen and Nick Dalton.
Ken says, “Let our experts put it to the test and put your theory to work in the “real world and build instant joint venture partners for your launch at the same time!
That’s exactly what our jvAlert Live “Hot Seat” presentations are all about. Your project can be the focus for a jam-packed room full of potential top-level joint venture partners and new friends.
Listen in as our panel of experts takes our members latest and greatest ideas and put them through the “reality check.”
If you want to make significant money on the Internet, you can’t do it with get rich quick schemes, quick fixes and zero effort, but you can do it with a well thought out idea, lots of work and some help from some of the best minds in Internet marketing”.
Ken McArthur’s ‘jvAlert Live!’ Denver, CO
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