‘AffiliateDotCom Truth… The User Reviews are in. ( re open today for just hours )’ by Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell
In his latest email Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell talk on “AffiliateDotCom Truth… The User Reviews are in. ( re open today for just hours )” [‘AffiliateDotCom’ User Reviews]
In his latest email Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell talk on “AffiliateDotCom Truth… The User Reviews are in. ( re open today for just hours )”
Mike and Chris say , “Slow down your day for 2.1 minutes and read this. It is that important can can change your future. (Sliding doors???)
3 HUGE things in this email.
#1 – AffiliateDotCom re-opens for just hours today.
#2 – HUGE!!! S**** R***** “just” made his product part of this course as a bonus to all members. (It is $997, read on.)
#3 – Also, see what the members who took a leap of faith had to say. (below)
But first…
As we stated, we closed our doors on Friday at midnight and put up the sold out page. That was the BAD news.
The GOOD news is, after dealing with declines, duplicates,and early cold feet refunders before the class even started we are opening the doors to a STRICT 100 member limit.
( that means you can get in now but the doors may close forever, yes forever, at any given moment today when we hit the 100 spots.)
Once we close we are closed for good for the year. Period.
Oh… the Content just went live so when you get in you get access and don’t have to wait.
O.K. – this is so huge.
I am friends with a marketer that spent the last 10 years doing one thing and one thing only. Building seriously big, seriously successful online companies. From 2 guys in a garage, up to 120 employees and $100M+ revenue per year, he has seen just about everything.
He just released a course for $997 that is live right now as we speak. He has just told me on the phone today that he is going to give my members access to his course at no charge. (Yeah free. )
This is unreal. I had to double check with him when he sent it to me today. I just had to confirm this.
I paid $997 myself for this product just day ago as I like to stay on the cutting edge.
Here are his EXACT WORDS to me
I can make any of my material available as a special bonus for your students. I’ve got 3 products so far:
(name removed until you are a member), 15 videos on the media buying process ($97, yours free)
(name removed until you are a member),Monthly interview with my friends ($5M/mo guys, yours free)
(name removed until you are a member),- 6 week Webinar based training course. ($997, yours free)
Also Mike… Perhaps your users might want to know how to scale their businesses? Get accepted to any Affiliate network they want. (I can virtually guarantee this with one phone call),
I removed the name to protect his brand. This was to be an unadvertised bonus so I don’t want to make his name or product public. Plus.. he is still selling it right now
How cool is that!
Honestly, I am shocked at this gift. Guys this is so good I paid for it myself… $997 and as a member you get this included. And his webinar just started so you are getting it right now with replays.
Just think of what you can learn from a person that spent $100 MM in media buys and 95% of it was **NOT** Google Adwords.
I am confident to say this. This has become the best value of any affiliate marketing product ever releases.
And you get started for just $389
Take the leap of faith.
If you are worried for your $389 payment (of 6) remember that you have 30 days to cancel. Learn what you want and if you are not making money, keep the info in your head and get a refund.
Yes.. refund! Make me the fool!
So you know what the people on the INSIDE are saying in just the first 24 hours, take a look here…
Gabe –
Hey Chris / Mike, with your first module you have reinforced my belief that there is still honest marketers out there and I think that this belief will get more and more strong as we get into ROI section Thank you for being who you are!!
Ray Goddard –
Excellent content, great presentation and super voice! It’s a pleasure learning from you.
Thank you Chris for the info and your commitment to our success.
Bob Holnes –
For someone to teach the process from the ground up is a real treat.Everything else is built on a good foundation. I’ve been looking for this for 1.5 years. I couldn’t figure out the foundation. We usually teach what we’re going through.
Jason –
Excellent first module. Chris, you really do have “it” when it comes to teaching this sort of stuff. I have always struggled with really getting my head around this market/niche sub niche focusing idea with previous trainings I have gone through, but now it is all so crystal clear. It’s one of those “ah ha” moments for me right now. Loving every minute of it.
David Grosse–
BRAVO! I have held off commenting until I finished all of the videos and I’m so excited to get started. Very tempted to call off work to get, well to get working! Thank You so much for creating this truly AWESOME product Chris and Mike, I’m very much looking forward to meeting you and other members in person. Cheers!
Ken –
Excellent Videos! I like how they are not from last year and are very recent. I know some other affiliate programs were recorded 6 months ago and then presented to us later, but this is like real time! I like what I see!
John –
Great stuff so far Chris. Really easy to follow and am enjoying the course.Thanks.
Antonio –
Hey Chris, Awesome video! If all your videos are like this one then I’m glad I joined…. Thanks
Fabio –
Absolutely wonderful! Many thanks for clearing my mind, Chris. I’ve tried so many courses before, but no one have taught me so well. Thanks again.
Paul Taylor –
I have been in other step-by-step training and they have been useless and hard to understand, I am very pleased with you so far Chris I think I feel the Happiness coming on! Maybe its because your English as I am.
Rebecca –
Thanks Chris! the way you’re explaining is very good… this will be great, I am also very excited about the whole thing! Again Thanks to you guys!!! Peace.
Kadia –
Hi Chris, After watching Video 2, I am getting the confidence that by the end of the coaching, I will be able to make at least a $1000 a month. Your way of teaching the stuff is unique and awesome. I really enjoy it.Thanks.
Carol –
I love your teaching style. You Make it seem so simple. I have a Aha-Haa List….I have just added ROI to my Aha-Haa List. I got it.
David Dokken –
So far so good. Everything is clear and easy to understand. Which is good for newbies like me. Looking forward to the day I don’t have to call myself a newbie. That would mean I’m making money with AM 2.0!
gwhite –
Enjoying it so far Chris, if the rest of the content is as clear and to the point as the first 2 video’s, I’ll be a happy chap!!!
Emma –
Chris! I love the format – step by step!. I feel like your right here with me guiding me through each process. Thanks!
vernon –
Love this so far…getting more excited. I am new to this and am trying to leave my driving job. I am a truck driver and need the step by step format.THANKS!
Steve G –
Chris, I like your style and can tell I am going to enjoy your teaching.The pace is good for me as I am new to all of this. Your personal examples really help me to feel that making a living at this is possible. Thanks!
Resp – Chris, so glad to be here. There is so much information that comes one’s way when one even hints of being interested in internet marketing that it literally doesn’t take long to freeze-wondering what to actually do. Thanks for having the vision to present this to those of us who were “sight challenged”. Be Well.
Clay – This is really getting the wheels in my head turning. Your videos
are great so far, Can’t wait to see what’s next. 🙂
jewallis –
Good grief man… is it me or do you not want to go to the next video just to hear Chris’s voice?! You’re quite right Chris Mercer, Chris F. is fantastically engaging and has the ability to break down content into interesting easy to learn pieces. Thank you.
Aqbar –
Oh I love this. So simple and straight forward, why reinvent the wheel eh Chris? The four step process can be undertaken within 10 minutes, so easy to identify niches and more importantly discard unprofitable ones. Wasted so much time in the past searching for products, will now focus on what is currently selling through niche research.
Emzee –
Sounds great so far! Scary, since I’m a newbie to affiliate marketing – but it’s actually starting to make sense!
Verne –
OK…you have my interest. This is amazing. Never knew this could be so simple. I know there is a lot more,but once again, I am EXCITED!
Terry –
This really does clear the fog to understand how this works.
John Albert–
I waited to the end of the module to make a comment and I am glad I did.Being a Kiwi I relate to your English accent quite well. Chris your presentation is absolutely fantastic and very easy to follow. The content is even better and very practical. I am very glad that you decided to
share your success and your knowledge and that you decided to team up with Mike.
All I can say is this is your last and final chance. Period. We have success with or WITHOUT YOU. We want to do it with you.
Get yourself ready. Get your $389 ready. And join the future successful marketers. Join the family. Take that leap of faith.
If you pass this up, the only thing we can promise you is more of the same of what you have now.
Time to change your future!
6 Month Membership and community – Then you have eternal access to archives.
8 Weeks as follows…
4 Weeks starting now with Chris Farrell on getting started affiliate style.
4 More weeks on free traffic from Crhis (Start seeing money)
4 weeks on paid traffic from MFCOM (Mike Filsaime and team. David, Ken, and Mike A)
PLus 8 Weekly Calls with Mike and Crhis
Featured Experts Content – (Turbo charge your traffic)
– Jeff Johnson
– Jeremey Schoemaker
– Bob “The Teacher” Jenkins
– Fabricio Cruz
– Rob Craven
– Leslie Rohde and Dan Thies
– Ritoban Chakrabarti
– Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey
– Scott Rewick
(For newbies)
– Quick Start Training Videos
– Website in a day video Course by Chris Farrell
– WordPress everything Video Course – Ken Burge
– Our Webmaster 101 video series
(Bonus Software)
– “Lifestyle Profits Blog Plugin”
– Youtube Robot
– Mini Review Site Wizard
In the works is access to a wordpress project that allows you MArketing style landing pages.
(Working to close this deal for you ay my cost)
(AffiliateDotCom Live Event in Las Vegas)
See video for details on the Event of the year.EVERYONE in the who’s’ who’s is there. Big
networking bash vegas style and 15 speakers.
And… Everything ARCHIVED for life.
THAT is value right there!
You in?
Of course, let’s rock!
Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell
[email with the subject:AffiliateDotCom Truth… The User Reviews are in. ( re open today for just hours )”.]Comments are closed.