‘Two Biggest Marketing Boo-Boos’ – ‘DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ Newsletter
DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article titled “Two Biggest Marketing Boo-Boos” is reprinted here. [‘DrNunley’s eZine Article]
DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article is reprinted here.
There are two things that will sink your marketing and advertising almost every time. More often than not, when someone says “my ads didn’t work,” one of these two boo-boos are to blame.
Marketing that isn’t targeted to a specific kind of customer doesn’t work (unless you have LOTS of budget). Big companies can blanket radio, TV, and magazines with million dollar ad budgets.They know they will catch their best customers somewhere in the crowd.
The rest of us have to first find our best customers, figure out what media they use, and tightly target our advertising to reach those best customers.
The second major marketing boo-boo is so simple you may not believe it. Most marketing fails because people didn’t understand it. The message was too clever, too technical, intended for a
different audience, too long, or in an e-zine they couldn’t figure out how to read.
Once when I was working in radio, I jumped on the air and announced the first caller would get tickets to see the Rolling Stones. My tongue got tied and I mumbled my way through the
announcement. No one called, not a single person. A few minutes later I read the announcement again, this time speaking clearly.The phone rang off the wall.
About the Author

Kevin Nunley is the Net’s #1 copywriter. Thousands of businesses have relied on Kevin for quality sales letters, web site copy, ads, and press releases. You get sizzling copy in the style you need, fast service, and affordable prices that are hard to beat. And that makes YOU look GOOD. http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Dr. Kevin Nunley for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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