Clayton Makepeace has released the latest issue of ‘Total Package’. The featured article by Paul Maxey is titled “Benefits or Bust”. [‘Success in Selling’ Article]

Clayton Makepeace has released the latest issue of ‘Total Package’.

The featured article:

Benefits or Bust

by Paul Maxey

Dear Business-Builder,

“The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people, and focus those already-existing desires onto a particular product.”

So writes Eugene Schwartz in Breakthrough Advertising. The timeless classic that is ““ in the words of Martin Edelston of Boardroom Inc. fame ““ “the most sought after direct marketing masterpiece” ever written.

If you truly want to understand the art and science of writing powerful and effective sales copy ““ on a visceral level ““ you can hardly do better than to pick up a copy of this gem and read it intently and frequently.

My own copy is so badly beaten, battered and marked-up that it’s hardly noticeable anymore!

According to Eugene, “Writing copy is like playing the stock market, or being an atomic physicist.

“Basically, all three of these professions ““ copy writing, speculation and science ““ are exactly alike. The same keys make each one of them work. And if you realize why, you can double the effectiveness of your copy overnight.”

I would add that you can do so IF you can get past one small problem: Breakthrough Advertising is such an intense read ““ with so many deep and powerful principles ““ that reading it can almost feel as if you’re running the 100-yard dash in quicksand.

You know there’s a ton of wisdom packed within its pages that could explode your sales and profits overnight. But wrapping your brain around the complex concepts it contains long enough to get out of the starting block ““ and put them into practice ““ is another story entirely.

That’s why most people who have studied it say you don’t actually start to “get it” until your third or fourth read!

That said, for this weeks’ Swipe of the Week, I’ve dug down into my trusty swipe file and pulled out an assortment of Gene’s most famous ads for your viewing pleasure.

As you read through them, make special note of the way in which Gene was a master at constructing a deep layering of benefits, logic, emotion and proof ““ making his copy rich, alive and irresistibly persuasive.

Heck, you might just find yourself hightailing it over to Amazon or Ebay hoping to find a copy of the product he’s selling!

So go ahead and download this weeks’ swipe now ““ and then, for God’s sake, get your own copy of Breakthrough Advertising without delay!

Until next time …

Yours for greater profits,

Paul Maxey
Makepeace-Trained Copywriter

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package. To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and claim four FREE money making e-books go to

The Total Package

*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Clayton Makepeace for granting permission to reprint this article.

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