‘You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right (in Info Marketing)’ by James Burt
James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right (in Info Marketing)”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]
James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:
You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right (in Info Marketing)
Once a collector, always a collector.
The other night, I got an e-mail from a friend asking me to go to a concert. We hadn’t been to one in a while and it promised to be a fun night out. A few nights later, my friend called.
“Did you hear their new album?”
I said yes. Being a vinyl record collector from way back, I told him that I had actually bought the vinyl edition a few days earlier.
“What?!” he said. “You spent all that money on old-school vinyl? Here, let me e-mail you the songs I downloaded.”
I thanked my buddy with a polite “No.” He’s the master of downloading. His computer is loaded with movies, music, and television episodes that he has scored for free from various web
sites. He seldom goes to the movies now unless it’s with friends, and has his laptop on him at all times, to do some downloads at a moment’s notice.
The entertainment industry is changing, thanks to the Internet. And so is the information marketing industry. Words, images, and even sounds can be sent to parties anywhere, anytime, right over the wires. That being said, it’s important that you protect your content. You are making your living off of your published content.
Here are some ways you can protect your information:
— Trademark everything: My colleague Doug D’Anna has written extensively on the subjects of trademarks, incorporating businesses, etc., and I can highly recommend his publications
to you. What you have to remember is that, once you create your business and related material, it’s yours by sheer default of you starting it. That’s good, but you may want to save any
copyright hassles by incorporating and trade-marking your business. You can do this by registering through your local small business assistance offices. Always sign off on what you
do and include disclaimers, headers, terms and conditions, etc. Thus, if someone does copy your work and use it in their web site publications, you can prove that it is yours and prevent
them from profiting off of your labor.
— Be careful who you give access to your content: Your content is yours. I am not one to spread distrust, but make sure you save all of your content templates and only allow those
you trust to access them. Remember: we live in an age where you can now send whole music files through e-mail and post videos online in a matter of minutes. Things can get transferred
easily, so it’s important that you protect them.
— Be leery of giving stuff away: This relates to my tip above and a recent newsletter article I wrote about volunteering too much. It’s great that you help a friend or colleague by giving
out some of your work for free. But be careful. Not only will that other party gladly take your work for free, but they also might use it to profit, without giving you credit. Be careful of
what content you donate or loan out from your information marketing business.
— Get legal: I hope you never have to go to court over a copyright issue, but if you do, get a good lawyer who is skilled in the law amendments of modern technology. Their expertise
will help settle disputes quickly and help you claim what is rightfully yours.
New technology is always a mixed blessing. In the end, you just have to be prepared for it. Keep a recorded trademark of everything related to your business, so that, in the rare event
you have to, you are prepared to fight for your rights in info marketing.
e-Wealth Daily
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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.
* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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