‘The Quickest, Surest Way to Leave Your Competition Sucking On Your Dust’ by Paul Maxey
Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “The Quickest, Surest Way to Leave Your Competition Sucking On Your Dust”. [Copywriting Article]
Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article:
The Quickest, Surest Way to Leave Your Competition Sucking On Your Dust
Dear Business-Builder,
Of all the things you do to get the sale, nothing equals the power of your headline to launch response through the roof.
According to John Caples in his book, How to Make Your Advertising Make Money …
“If you can come up with a good headline, you are almost sure to have a good ad. But even the greatest writer can’t save an ad with a poor headline.”
And Claude Hopkins said in Scientific Advertising …
“The entire return from an ad depends on attracting the right sort of readers. The best of salesmanship has no chance whatever unless we get a hearing.
“The identical ad run with various headlines differs tremendously in its returns. It is not uncommon for a change in headlines to multiply returns from five to ten times over.”
And Victor O. Schwab in How to Write a Good Advertisement …
“The copywriter’s aim in life should be to try to make it harder for people to pass up his advertisement than to read it. And right in his headline he takes the first, and truly giant, step on the road to that goal.”
Let’s face it: There are as many opinions on what makes for a great headline ““ and how to write one ““ as there are copywriter’s.
However, if you’ve been reading The Total Package for any length of time ““ and especially if you’ve been through The Quick-Start Copywriting System ““ you know that one of Clayton’s biggest advantages is his ability to craft dominant emotion headlines …
Highly visceral, emotionally-charged headlines that grab his prospect by the lapels and virtually scream, “THIS WAS WRITTEN JUST FOR YOU!”
As you may know, the “dominant emotion” approach to writing headlines is where you begin by finding out your prospect’s strongest, most deeply-rooted emotions about the subject at hand. And then using these emotions to seize your prospects attention and keep it in a peak state.
In today’s world of ever-increasing skepticism, learning how to craft dominant emotion headlines is one of the quickest, surest ways to pull out in front of your competition and leave them choking on your dust.
This weeks’ Swipe of the Week is certainly an attempt to grab the prospect’s attention with a headline based on the dominant emotions of the marketplace.
Did this copywriter succeed?
Only the market can say for sure, but I will certainly be keeping an eye out in my mailbox to see if it comes my way again.
In the meantime, this promotion from one of the undisputed leaders in the health industry has plenty to offer the budding copywriter or marketer in the way of effective strategies and techniques for getting the sale.
So be sure to download it here now, add it to your personal swipe file and review it often for ideas and inspiration.
Until next time …
Yours for greater profits,
Paul Maxey
Makepeace-Trained Copywriter
Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package. To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and claim four FREE money making e-books go to www.makepeacetotalpackage.com.
The Total Package
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Clayton Makepeace for granting permission to reprint this article.
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