DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article titled “Write a Great Classified Ad” is reprinted here. [‘DrNunley’s eZine Article]

DrNunley’s Marketing Tips’ ezine article is reprinted here.

Write a Great Classified Ad

Classified ads are often called the poor person’s advertising.The fact is, they work for almost every business. Check the pages of your local “shopper” newspaper and you will see most of the BIG businesses in your town using classified ads, too.Classifieds are also the Internet’s best bargain for your dollar.

Here is a simple formula for writing a killer classified ad:

Start the first two or three words in all capital letters. These words should grab your prospect’s attention. Readers skim down the column of ads and only read the beginning words that stand
out from the others.

“NEVER MIND people who say you won’t get rich.”

“YOUR FREE COMPUTER is waiting in our exciting sweepstakes.”

Next add a few sentences that talk about your product, service,or opportunity. Keep sentences short. Don’t have to be complete.Start with action words.

“YOUR FREE COMPUTER is waiting in our exciting sweepstakes. Enter while you browse our complete line of speed-demon computers. LOW prices!”

Wrap it up with your phone number, address, email, or web site URL.

“FULL DETAILS http://www.yoursite.com

About the Author

Kevin Nunley is the Net’s #1 copywriter. Thousands of businesses have relied on Kevin for quality sales letters, web site copy, ads, and press releases. You get sizzling copy in the style you need, fast service, and affordable prices that are hard to beat. And that makes YOU look GOOD. http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Dr. Kevin Nunley for granting permission to reprint this latest article.

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